Chapter 4: Branch Meet Sumo Trolls

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Branch walked into the city of Nezuko, he see Japanese trolls, he bumped in a shop. He see an elderly female troll with light yellow hair, golden brown eyes, golden yellow skin and wearing light green kimono and a black cat eyed framed glasses with blue lenses. Branch said Ow! An elderly female in Han Chinese accent said How's can I help you? Branch asked I looking for Poppy, she kidnapped by Dirty Weed and the Foxglove Bandits while they robbed things from the village during the attack and I have to save her from being coming a slave to Dirty Weed and his goons. Where am I going to challenge? An elderly female troll asked at the Sumo tournament for able to won or lose, Sumo Trolls are the champion in the world. Branch asked How's many are they? An elderly female troll said Three? An elderly female troll asked Be careful, young troll! He walked into the stadium and J-Pop Trolls performed Butterflies and he see three Sumo Trolls are walked into the opening ceremony, a giant maroon sumo troll with dark red hair tied in a bun with a crimson hair tie, red eyes and wearing reddish orange mawashi, named Kenji, a giant slate sumo troll with dark bluish black hair tied in a bun with a blue hair tie, ocean blue eyes and wearing a navy blue mawashi named Fuji and finally a giant ivory sumo troll with mint cream hair tied in a bun with a sky blue hair tie, grayish blue eyes, wearing a royal blue rimmed eyed framed glasses with blue lenses and a beige mawashi named Akira along with a beautiful pastel pink female troll with purplish black hair tied in a bun with a sky blue hair tie, sapphire blue eyes, wearing a rose gold tiara with a few magenta cherry blossom shaped diamond jewels, mauve eyeshadow, lilac lipstick and a iris purple kimono with light pink floral patterns and a violent obiage around her waist as she speaks during the ceremony. She said Welcome to the tournament of martial arts and I'm your host Princess Sayuri, this is the matches between ku fung, ninjutus and sumo wrestling, the challengers and the championships have to win the game or lose the game. We have a challenger, a survivor and a bright teal troll from Pop Village, welcome to meet Branch. The Japanese trolls cheer for Branch. Branch smile weirdly and waving to them as we walk into the field. Sayuri asked Tell me, what's happened the village, and why is the queen being kidnapped? Branch said Well I was relaxed in my bunker and I heard a scream from Poppy, she kidnapped by Dirty Weed and the Foxglove Bandits while they robbed things from the village during the attack and I will stop Dirty Weed and the Foxglove Bandits before he'll turn Poppy into a slave. Sayuri said Oh my goodness, I sorry to heard that but we have a challenger, a giant female periwinkle purple sumo troll learned ku fung and sumo wrestling, give it up for Maiko, she is medium heavier weight than the other one. Branch looked up and gasped at Maiko a giant periwinkle purple sumo troll with dark purplish black hair with light purple streaks tied up in a high undercut ponytail violet eyes, dark purple freckles on her cheeks, burgundy brown lipstick and wearing a midnight purple DD cup sport bra, dark purple above the knee shorts with a pale purple mawashi, royal purple bracers and lilac shin length leg warmers is ready for battle Branch. She used her mighty stomp and caused an earthquake, Branch scream and fell down to the floor. Maiko said You're a tiny troll and guess what? You're going down tiny! Branch growled at her and said Who's called me tiny, Big Fat Undercut! Kenji broke up the fight and said Whoa, you two please stop fighting each other. Akira asked Ahem, Princess, what's about the champion? An earthquake coming from a giant massive heavyweight raven black troll with soft black hair tied in a bun with a dark gray hair tie, thick gray eyebrows, dark brownish black eyes, four ivory fangs on his upper and lower jaws, a light gray scar on his right cheek and his lower mouth and wearing charcoal gray mawashi walked into the field. Sayuri said let's hear it's for Nezuko's champion, Kurai! Branch gulped and asked Where's are sumo potion? Sayuri said My father, he created it between sumo size and normal size, here, that's will transformed into a giant sumo troll. Branch took off his ninja suit in the changing room and put on a brownish black shorts and a dark green mawashi and ebony black bracers on his wrists, his hair tied in a ponytail with a bluish black hair tie and he came out and he drinking a green sumo liquid, and he turned into a giant massive medium to heavyweight sumo troll and ready to fight against them. A male forest green troll refugee came out and asked Are you guys ready? Branch said Yes! I'm ready to fight you, Maiko! Maiko said You're on, Brunch! Sayuri said Father, are they ready? A middle aged ruby red troll with dark red burgundy hair with light burgundy streaks tied in a bun with a crimson hair tie, reddish brown eyes, long red burgundy mustache, and wearing a gold crown red topaz jewel, and reddish orange kimono with a crimson obiage around his waist his name is Taiyo said Begin! The ring gong to begin the matches, Branch and Maiko yelled at each other for their battle cry and they're trying to push each other one by one. Maiko said Alright, I will crush you! Who's ready to lose? Branch growled at her, with a smile bravery and said You are! Branch pushed and threw her out of the ring at the ground and then the refugee walked into her and said 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! We got a winner! The Japanese trolls cheer for Branch, Maiko got up, and smiled at him and said Hey, nice work, I lose the matches and you won the matches against me. Branch said Well I won, this match, alright who's next! Kurai growled and said KURAI IS! Branch said I'm ready for you!

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