Just an ordinary day, or is it?

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I woke up at 8:00 A.M. to get ready for another normal day at Wood-Bridge High School, or so I thought. I got in the shower, then got out after doing the usual. I got dressed in my  blue American Eagle jeans and a green American Eagle short  sleeve shirt, sprayed my axe, brushed my teeth and went downstairs to get breakfast...oh..did I mention that my moms the designer of American Eagle? Well she is, so I kinda live in a Mansion....yeah I guess I forgot to say since I'm so used to everything by now...anyway...back to the point...haha there isn't one because my house is circular..lol. ANYWAY...I'm getting off subject. So I went downstairs to get breakfast and found a note laying on the counter from mom..the note read:

     Hey sweetheart, I have an important last minute business trip, the A.E. in Charleston, North Carolina is in prior need of my services. I'll see you in a week, honey. Love you!!

                                                                                                                               -Mom <3

That's my mom for you. Always leaving notes when she has to leave unexpectedly. OK so back to breakfast. I made myself some pancakes with butter and syrup, then ate them. After breakfast, I walked outside to my lime green Lamborghini, yeah I got a sweet car! I pulled out of the really long driveway with iron gates, and headed off to school. My drive to school only takes about 5 minutes, so I get there pretty quick. I park in my usual parking spot and head inside to meet up with Sophie. I walked in the doubled doors and went to find her. I normally meet her at our 'table', but she wasn't there. That's weird... I  walked into the gymnasium to see if she was in there and she was, but she was sitting beside this beautiful blonde. I walked over to them to find out what Sophie was doing and who the blonde was. I asked Soph what she was doin and she introduced me to the blonde. Turns out she is 'the new girl'.

" Hi. My name is Jaelynn Simmons. I'm new here and Sophie has been really sweet to me. "

" Well I'm Michael Jones. It's nice to meet you. "

That is how I came to know Jaelynn. Normally after you introduced yourself, there would be an akward hand shake, but this wasn't akward at all. I know it sounds all cliché and everything but I felt sparks. Weird right..I thought so to but i don't know. I wonder if Jaelynn felt it too. She kinda jerked her hand away, and then stared into my eyes. She has beautiful blue eyes, that go perfectly with her naturally tanned skin. I asked her if she wanted me to show her around since we still had 30 minutes till the bell rang for 1st period. I asked to see her schedual and turns out we have all of the same classes which is awesome. I told her we had the same classes and showed her all of the class rooms and then brought her to her locker, which just so happens to be right beside mine. What good luck I have! We had about 5 minutes till the bell rang so I decided to take her to my favorite spot right outside the cafeteria. There's this big Oak tree right straight in front of the big window in the cafeteria that I always eat lunch under. It's kinda my thing. I told her if she wanted she could have lunch with Sophie and I,and my others friends which are, Henry Couts, Steven Rylee and Tyler Gainer. They're also on the baseball team. She said  " I'd love to eat lunch with you guys."  The rest of the day went by with Jaelynn introducing herself in every class, and each class I would find out something new about her. She came and sat with us at lunch, and let me tell you it was a blast! That chick it freaking hillarious! I got to know her even more during lunch and I think I like her. I don't know what drew me to her...if it was the blonde hair...or the mezmorizing eyes, but whatever it is. I can't wait to see what will become of us....


***Authors Note***

- Hey guys!! I'm bored... :'( My cousin is over and she is NOT a very good entertainer...Although she did spell check my many grammar mistakes, but who's counting (;Say hi to the readers Zoe!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 That was her...ANYWAY.....comment your thoughts on this chapter..I want to have at least 20 reads before I update again.....SOOOOO..COMMENT, VOTE, AND MOST IMPORTANT.......READ!!!!!! Love ya guys

!!! <3


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