Completed plan?

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Kayce's heart thumped rapidly as one of many salty drops ran down her face.

She leaned against the wall. It was cold and sent a shiver down her neck but felt like the only support she had with her in this room. It felt so empty despite being filled with boxes.

She didn't realize how tired she was until she felt a sigh of relief escape her lips and her panting of tiredness slow down. She let her body slide down this wall until she was sitting and couldn't slide any further.

Part of her had felt stupid, declining all the offers for help given by a few old coworkers. However, there was still a feeling in her that outshined the first. She didn't know exactly what this was, but she did know that it was a smart decision. Or at least she convinced herself of this.

Before she knew it her mind was remembering everything that lead her to make this decision all alone.

At a young age, Kayce was sent to Jamaica to live with her "father's" sister because her so-called parents believed she was a troubled kid and needed structure. The only structure she got were constant bruises, marks, and slashes given by her aunt.

It wasn't until she turned 17 that her mother decided to let her move back to the USA. This wasn't because she started to feel bad for her child, but because the family had recently lost Kendrick. Kendrick was Kayce's older brother, who had experienced a similar situation to her but from their parents.

At 18, she had made a plan to escape and knew she would never look back. Her plan was to find a decent-paying job and work along with going to college so that once she graduated, she could move far away from this life.

There were times when she wanted to give up and meet her brother for eternity. But each time she tried, she saw his face telling her to stop. To do what he couldn't and find happiness. As the years went by, the young girl was accepted into this cheap community college for nursing. There, she was praised by teachers and peers for how fast a learner she was and for her outstanding test skills.

Few students would joke that she lived in the library and the only thing she knew was studying. But that was the only escape she had, which had come in handy as her grades reflected this.

Right after college, she worked a shitload in this run-down, lame excuse for a nursing home that would leave the girl numb and tired after each shift. But it paid. Not many places wanted to hire newly graduated, inexperienced nurses. But they did because that was how badly they needed the help.

The final part of her plan was set into action when she heard the only other woman in the house laugh with friends and distant family members about how she was going on a cruise with money she had forced out of her only child left. Kayce expected this to happen and willingly gave it, knowing that the moment she left kaycee would finally escape.

Leaving was easy because it's not like there was anything or anyone she was leaving behind. She made a few acquaintances in high school and at work, but never gave in enough to form an actual connection with anyone. She was too hurt, broken, and scared. Scared of betrayal and scared of worsening her life already marked by profound sadness and hardship.

Kayce shook her head trying to snap out her rumination of past events.

She took a few deep breaths and kissed the pendant on her chest,looked up reminded herself that she did what her brother always wanted to do. Something he couldn't.

Make it out alive.


Kayce knew all the thoughts was starting to work her up so she decided to play some music while she continued unpacking.

After what seemed like 5 minuets of bumping a mixture of pop-rock and rap she heard a heavy knock on the door.

She hoped that within her first hour here she didn't already have a noise complaint or upset her new neighbors.

She placed the box of basic kitchen supplies down then turnt off the music before approaching the door.

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