Chapter 1 : Where Castelian streets cross.

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On a boat sailing across the sea, Yuuma was quietly listening to the groaning sounds coming out of the big engine of the vessel that was leading him from Virbank City to the port of Castelia City, main commercial crossroad of the Unova region. This sound, mechanical and repetitive, had the incredible property of calming him down when he was stressed, stress that he was probably going to feel in a couple of hours since he was going to have a really hard Pokemon battle.

But what battle exactly ? Well, Yuuma's opponent would be Burgh, famous for his status as gym leader and as an influential artist, specialized in bug types. Even though many trainers were underestimating him for the kind of Pokemon he was specialized in, most of these were trainers who had already defeated him ; it wasn't the case for Yuuma who had yet to prove that he was able to win against him. Setting foot in the big city for the second time since he moved to Unova five years ago, the trainer took a good look at the gigantic buildings in front of him as his Servine, Hime, stood beside him.

"Here we are Hime, Castelia City. It sure has been a while since we've been here, hasn't it? Let's head to Route 4, the battle's going to be tough so we need to train in order to be prepared."

Thinking that nothing could go wrong since he had Hime with him, Yuuma went into the streets of the metropole, not knowing at all where he was going. After a short while, Yuuma realized that he was utterly and completely lost : he should have been aware that Castelia City, in its quality of widest city in Unova, was a trap for anyone who would wander its maze-like streets without a map. Once again, he couldn't control his impatience and it had led him to being lost. In his current predicament, Yuuma had three options : head back to where he came from, search for a high place to look at the surrounding area or ask for directions to a passerby.

Since Yuuma was shy and a bit socially awkward when he talked to humans, he naturally chose the second option : there was no turning back during his journey. His decision taken, Yuuma resumed walking with a firm and steady step until he accidentally bumped into someone. Yuuma looked at the person he had just bumped into and saw that it was a tall, bald and angry-looking man who was now looking at him with an annoyed expression.

"Oi, you did it on purpose didn't you?" the Roughneck said, looking down on the teen who had just bumped into him.

"Er... S-Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," Yuuma answered apologetically while Hime eyed the Roughneck warily.

"I don't believe you, I'm sure you'll go laughing at me behind my back if I let you go like that, you'll have to make amends kid!!"

The man grabbed Yuuma by the collar and pinned him against the red brick wall, he smelled like alcohol. Hime was about to intervene to save her trainer when suddenly, a white light grabbed Yuuma's attention on his right. The roughneck followed his look and noticed a teenager quietly watching them. A strange aura was emanating from her and it affected them to the point the roughneck released Yuuma from his grip, gasping. What was so shocking about that young lady?

Besides the contrast that her clothes created with the street : leather sandals under an elegant skirt with plant motifs, topped by a pure white shirt with her chest open and to weave that legend a red fur cape. If there was an audition at the Pokewood to play the role of a supernatural presence, she would have 100% chance to be chosen, her different-colored eyes (pink and golden jewels) were just too captivating on her snowy skin and hair.

She didn't open her mouth but simply walked up to them with a decided path and a neutral expression on her face. In no time, she was between them, she then grabbed Yuuma's hand and in a flash they were at the end of the alley. The roughneck might have screamed something but voices cannot face a temporal distortion. They finally came out on a fountain plaza with an ice cream stand nearby. Somehow short of breath, Yuuma looked at the girl who just helped him and pushing past his shyness and social awkwardness managed to articulate a "Thank you very much."

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