↳˗ˏˋfourˊˎ˗ ↴

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courtney got up and picked all of her things up. she walked towards her younger brother and sat on the bench across from him, waiting for their father.

duncan walked over to her, 'hey colton.' duncan looked at her younger brother, 'he knows my name?' the young brunette says, the older one then looks up at that.

'that's not your name- that's not his name.' she says , sternly but still not looking towards duncan, 'well- courtney i was wondering if we could tal-' but he was interrupted.

'come on cody, we are leaving.' she grabbed cody's hand and dragged him to a truck.

'or embarrass me horribly in front of all these people..' duncan sighed and walked back to his group.

'oh? is duncan not mr prince charming after all?' justin asked laughing, 'shut up.' duncan rolled his eyes.

he didn't understand, every girl was always drooling over him.. why wasn't she?

he shrugged it off and sighed, 'well, see yall tomorrow.' duncan said and grabbing his keys from his pocket. 'later.' the guys replied to him.

heather was doing homework at the kitchen table, 'and i don't get it- it's like she doesn't like me..' duncan complained to his sister, she normally always knew what to do.

'did you try talking to her?' she asked, not looking up from her laptop.

'yeah. she kind of blew me off..'

'wow, i like her already.'

she looked up at duncan, she didn't normally get distracted but i guess this is interesting to her.

duncan rolled his eyes, he assumed heather got that her older brother seriously needed her help and she sighed, shutting her laptop.

'have you tried doing things she likes? look her up online? see what she does and who she hangs out with?' the raven haired girl asked, looking at her nails.

'but she doesn't hang out with anyone- i've never seen her out of school.. she's so weird.' duncan makes a weird face.

'i have.' she smirked at him, 'she works at that taco place by the school.'

'how did you know that-'

'me and alejandro have been there on dates, just thank me and leave me alone.'

'yes ma'am.'

'yes sir, and would you like tomatos on that?' courtney asked the old male standing in front of her. 'well, im not sure..' the male responds.

courtney waited for the man to answer the question when the door opened, 'courtney?'

the brunettes eyes traveled from the old man to the door to see no other than, duncan nelson.

'hey.' the athlete says , stuffing his hands in his pocket, 'stalking is illegal in all 50 states.' the girl whisper yells.

courtney sighed and looked up at the old man who was still deciding if we wanted tomatos on his taco, 'one moment sir.'

the latina walked over to duncan, 'okay what the hell do you want?'

duncan had no idea how to respond, he just needed something to get alone with her.

his eyes traveled down her body to her shoes, he saw paint splattered on them, 'i wanted to talk to you about .. art?'

she looked shocked, 'art?' the brunette raised an eyebrow, 'but you're not in any art classes-'

'well you know , im so busy with football so i get..these um...' duncan didn't know how to finish the sentence.

thankfully the latina finished it for him, 'one on one classes..?'

'yeah-' the guy scratched the back of his head.

'well i have an ticket to the show tonight- here, have mine!' courtney's friend , noah says , handing duncan the ticket.

courtney's eyes widened, 'one moment.' she said to duncan and walked over to noah and grabbed him by his collar,

'i kicked your ass in 4th grade and i'll do it again.'

he rolled his eyes, 'i was sick that day, courtney.'

'but one of the most popular guys in school is stalking you, aren't you the slightest bit curious?' noah asked her.

she let him go and took a deep breath, 'whatever.' she sighed before walking over to the counter, 'made a decision yet, sir?'

'yes, put tomatos on them.'

she smiled at the elderly man and tapped the cash register.

'so, 7 then?' the raven haired boy asked courtney.

'sure.' she replied but still tapping the cash register.

duncan smiled at himself and walked out of the taco restaurant.

this might not be so hard after all.

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