Stroke Fourteen

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This is it, the end of Art Heaux. Started this story way back near the end 2022, which is crazy to me. It's been a joy (and comedy) reading all your comments. Thank you! Now onto the last stroke...

One Year Later

"Spencer James with a Raaaaaaaaaaaams, first down," the announcer shouted over the sound system. The crowd followed with cheers as the second year receiver did his signature bow and arrow celebration before pointing up at the box where his family sat.

"That's my boy," Corey shouted, high fiving Olivia as he stood up. "I taught him how to do that!"

"Corey, no you didn't," Grace interjected, watching her husband high-five the rest of the group packed into the suite.

"More like I taught him everything," Dillon added, patting himself on the chest.

"You see why I'm always trying to get away from these two," Grace leaned over and whispered to Olivia. "This is why our girl time is so important," she laughed.

"Which means we need to schedule another spa day." One year later, Olivia had found a third mother figure in Grace James. After spending so much time together at the football games and even traveling to some away games together, they had formed a tight bond.

"Make sure I'm invited this time," Simone jumped in as she took the empty chair next to her future sister-in-law. Jordan Baker had done something no one expected Jordan Baker to do and proposed to his girlfriend during the offseason.

"Of course," Olivia replied, standing to get a better look at the field since the Rams were getting close to the redzone. "Come on, baby," she muttered, her fingers drumming together in a nervous fit. A year ago, she was an avid Patriots fan and wouldn't dare let another team's jersey even touch her. Now, here  she was all decked out in Rams gear with her boyfriend's jersey number plastered on her back. And with no shame. This was her favorite jersey out of the five variations she had tucked away in her closet.

"Touchdoooooooooooooown, Rams!"

The night after a win was mostly spent nurturing and taking care of sore muscles. It had become their tradition to eat a good recovery meal and take a bath in Epsom salts before Olivia massaged warm oils into Spencer's skin.

"My favorite part of game days," Spencer mumbled, resting against the tub.

"Over winning," Olivia countered, enjoying the warmth of the water mixed with the warmth of the body heat behind her.

"This is a close second," he beamed, pressing a kiss to her temple. "But seeing you up there in the crowd does it for me every time."

"Hmm." Moments like this allowed them to open up to each other on a more intimate level. And at times they simply sat in silence, letting their touches linger a little longer under intense gazes.

Spencer had been thinking about their future lately. They had been going strong for a year. He feared if he moved too fast on the next step of their relationship that things could sour. Wanting to test out the waters, he said, "I still can't believe your brother and Simone are tying the knot soon."

"I can't believe he's getting married before me," Olivia chuckled, playing with the lone curl that hung down from her bun. Clue one, at least she had no issue with marriage. "Jordan has never been the serious relationship guy. You saw how he was when I first got here. I'd like to think I was a good influence on him."

"You don't want to know half the shit your brother got into before you got here," Spencer shook his head. "I'll save you the pain."

"Please. The man has a half-naked picture of himself hanging in his house. Nothing would shock me, I'm happy for them though," she hummed, closing her eyes.

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