Good time/day/night to y'all 🤠
Yeehaw there I fixed it mofo SPICY_DOUGHNUT
I'm going to bother you with my new year's resolutions again‼️
-Losing weight is still up there: Maybe 20 more at the minimum??? And maximum as much as I can that's considered healthy lmao 😶🌫️
-Continue improving korean:
Pronunciation is a priority since I pick up the vocabulary quickly anyway [not flexing I swear 💩].-Mejorar mi vocabulario en español 🤡 osea sí hablo español con fluidez nomas es que como no lo leo tanto hay cosas que no sé decir/pronunciar. Culpo a mi escuela de primaria porque me regañaban por no hablar inglés 😔.
-Get my AOUAD over with so I can start the new one[s] I have in mind. Wink wink 🤭.
-Start doing art again: I found out I'm actually kind of good with sketching 😱 I've always liked to paint and I want to improve with that aswell!
-Improve with music: singing, guitar, piano, maybe even start trying to get absolute pitch⁉️
-Start writing with my left again 😔
-Develop healthy studying habits.
I completed a lot of things last year so the list isn't as long but it's a start!!
Let's go 2024 me, keep fighting 💪and all of you aswell <3
HumorI was going to put "CHANGBIN PLS CHOKE ME" as the description but decided not too bc I'm a bigger person now. Instead I'll put "SEUNGMIN PLS STEP ON ME 🙏" Actually no 😔. "Happy new year" seems more appropriate.