22. Vikram's turnover

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In the morning, Vikram and Ahivati had planned to stay in the cave of Ramaraman. Ahivati had been feeling consistently tired and she told Vikram about it. He replied that in the presence of many spirits, they might borrow her energy. She asked him whether he felt the same, to which he replied that he wasn't.

Vikram underwent some changes, although he didn't notice anything different. However, Ahivati could sense that something had changed in his aura, making it more powerful. They practised together every day, starting with duelling exercises, both armed and unarmed. After their training, they would have their meals and then take a nap. In the evenings, they would practice yoga and deep meditation to further refine their skills. They worked tirelessly to perfect themselves day after day.

In Mayanagar, Pavitra and Kadambari used to train with each other in the arts of duelling and Dhyana. Meanwhile, the sages were training the Maharathis of each battalion. Mrinmayee and Hriday, under Mahadev's guidance, also learned advanced combat and highly complex healing techniques. One of these techniques was called "Paripurna Upashamyati", which means "Perfect Heal". Mahadev himself created this technique and while teaching it to the two students, he advised them to use it only during critical times as it requires a lot of Ūrja. He also mentioned that it would bring back the person to their superior consciousness. They understood the importance of this technique and practised it diligently every day.

Pavitra and Kadambari created Earth and Flame shields for duels. They practised Volcanic and Magnet Release and also tried Lava and Scorch Release. Vikram struggled to practice his powers after being introduced to Ramaraman's Chronicles, resulting in his demotivation.

One night, Adi was sleeping and he had a dream. In the dream, he saw his father, mother, younger brother and his friends in front of him. They were all having fun and didn't notice him. Suddenly, Adi started having anxiety attacks and woke up terrified. He was sweating heavily. Ahivati, who was sleeping next to him, woke up and asked if he was okay. Adi looked at her and hugged her tightly, he was in tears. Ahivati didn't ask him anything as she could see how vulnerable he was at that moment. She then comforted him and helped him go back to sleep.

Day by day, he began to lose all his powers. His once god-like physique started to diminish, and he became more and more like a normal person. He couldn't understand what was happening to him, but Ahivati took care of him. As they continued to duel, he felt weaker and weaker until he couldn't even perform a simple water attack. Despite his efforts to regain his strength, he was unable to do so.

His yellow hair started turning black, and his skin became hazel-coloured. He studied all the chronicles and realized that he needed to train alone to acquire Plasmic Powers. "Ahi, I have to stay here and train alone to become strong again," Vikram said. "I understand. I'll go back to Mayanagar and continue my training," she replied. She hugged him tightly and asked him to take care. Then, she whistled, and Chandak came to her. Together, Chandak and Ahivati went back to Mayanagar.

Vikram searched through Ramaraman's chest to see if anything was missing. He found a teal-coloured bracelet made of leather, with a stone in the middle that Ramaraman's staff had. When he put it on, he felt a sudden surge of energy that made him unconscious. He found himself in the white dimension where he met Ramaraman before. Ramaraman told him that he needed to lose his powers to gain the Plasmic powers. With the bracelet, he could easily access these powers. Vikram regained consciousness and knew what he had to do. He climbed to the top of Mayaparvat and began to meditate, going so deep into a trance that he couldn't even open his eyes.

Meanwhile, in Mayanagar, the Sages were training soldiers for war, making the city stronger. Ahivati was gradually accessing her powers, while Pavitra and Kadambari achieved their peak potential. Mrinmayee and Hriday became excellent healers. At the same time, Vikram was in deep dhyaana.

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