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(Hyunjin POV*)


It was early in the afternoon and I had just got done putting my socially acceptable outfit on; since I have to actually go out in public again. Not that this is my idea, far from it. It was my friend's, jisung. He's always clinging onto me and begging me to do things with him, which I usually wouldn't mind but as of right now I can't say I'm happy about it. I mean, it's not exactly easy walking, talking and all around trying to function when my heart has been fractured into a billion pieces, internally bleeding all while trying to hold a conversation with jisung? Yeah, not exactly easy.

But jisung said I needed to stop
"moping around" as he called it, and have "fun" yayy...

I arrived at the park, an apparently perfect location to jisung. I groaned getting out of my car walking slowly as possible to the picnic table Jisung was sitting at in the near distance.

"Jinnie!" He said, waving enthusiastically as he spotted me.

"Hi.." i greeted back, sitting across from him.

"Aw, c'mon jinnie, cheer up, it's such a perfect day." He said, smiling as he leaned towards me, resting his weight on his elbows.

"It's a shit day, jisung." I said deadpanned, causing him to sigh.

"That's not true hyunjin." He whined. "The flowers have fully bloomed, the grass is cleanly cut and green, plus there's plenty of people watching to do." He argued.

"I'm not interested in watching a bunch of happy couples prance around the park..." I said darkly, jisung shook his head in response.

"I just don't know what to say hyunjin, I've tried cheering you up but you won't budge."

"I'm sorry ji, but you can't just cheer me up with some nice words and scenery." I said, resting my head on my palm. I wish that would do the trick..

"Why let your mood rely on that guy, hyunjin? He never even treated you right-"

"Just stop. I don't want to talk about him, Ji, and you're especially not going to say anything negative about him." I said plainly, my voice no doubt conveying how serious I was.

"Negative?" He said, dramatically "What else is there to say, looking at you right now I cant see any evidence of anything positive he ever did for you-"

"Shut it, jisung! Move on to another topic before I change my mind and leave, because I'm seriously considering it." I said angerly.

"Fine.." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. It was quiet for a minute but eventually he brought up another topic. " you want to go to the mall later, they have a really big sale at the mall tomorrow?" He asked.

"Ok.... which store's?" I asked.

"Uh well.....Victoria's secret....and a sister establishment they're opening up to.."

"Ok....why would I be interested in that?" I asked, gesturing with my hand.

"Well the new establishment has some really high quality designer stuff, you can't get it anywhere else" he explained, becoming excited. "And a bunch of new lingerie and teddy lines-"

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