
49 6 2


Yelling/screaming (over text), cursing/swearing


"Do you realize how much suffering you've caused me!? Do you realize the torture you put so many innocent people through!? You apathetic, deranged, psychopath! End this. Now!"


"I can't do that..."

"Why not."

"..There's... Six more eliminations left."


"Backpack, Wait--"

"My name is not Backpack!!"


"I'm sure we can.. talk this out, Right?"

"You LITERALLY put us through hell, what do you mean TALK THIS OUT?!"

"No..? I just thought.. that it was going to be fun..."

"Fun to torture us? You think that was fun?"

"No.. I just wanted to host a competition.. I didn't think it would... Effect you guys that badly."

"You didn't think so?"

"..No.. I just--"


Digital Prison. [AN HFJONE AU]Where stories live. Discover now