(1) Somewhere Unknown

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✧*̥˚Liam/Backpack POV*̥˚✧


Before I was able to push him, Everything turned black. And then.. I was somewhere. Was it The Waiting Room? Somewhere else? What does this mea--

I wasn't even able to process it properly. I instantly face planted into the ground, my fabric almost scrunching up to the sheer force of how I landed. The floor felt cold, If you could even call it a floor. I cough, slowly processing the situation, then get up. The hell is this? I can just stare around me. Endless. A room, with no walls. It reminds of me of my time on the Plane. Except this place is WAYYY less lively.

Putting up a hand to my mouth, I clear my throat before speaking."Hey-- What-- Where the hell am I?" ...I didn't get a response, unfortunately. Wasn't expecting one, anyways. Not in this place. What is this, anyway? Something like the Waiting Room? No,  There's nothing here. Not even... Color.

I fiddle with my side zipper, glancing at the place. A lot of beige. Like-- A TON of it. It was just a few seconds and it's already boring to be here. Well, I could see some.. sine waves? In the back round. Seemed to be red and blue in color, but it was toned out by the stupid beige. Great. The only sign of color is dulled out. There's also something else in here. It looks like a house. I take a few steps, making sure its safe to walk. After checking that, I stroll across this place to go to that house. However, It doesn't seem to get any closer than that.

In a fit of rage, I instantly go to punch the air, but my fist hits something solid. Suddenly, it feels like my hand has just shattered. I gasp, stepping back from the area, looking down at the floor, while I shake my hand around, trying to relieve the pain. I look up to see what I had struck, but nothing was there. I gently pass my hand through the area again. What was that? I sigh in annoyance, looking down at my hand. It still hurts like hell.

And I'm stuck here? I'm more angry than scared, if I'm being honest. I clench my fists, well, one of them, because the one that I just used to punch something was still throbbing with pain; just staring at the ground. My eyes look to my side, before seeing a green patch of something, no... My fabric, just floating in the air. I panic, thinking it was ripped off, quickly retaliating to grab it, before it just disappears.


Wait, Am I glitching? Now that I look at it, A few parts of my body was.. just gone. In small parts. Those missing parts then appeared somewhere else close to myself, stays there for a bit, before it goes to either another place, or back to its original place. Also seems to have a red and cyan outline. Strange place, that's for sure. Well, It takes on the glitching aspect seriously. I'm surprised how it's not even effecting me. I mean, It is, but should it... Never mind. I'm glad, at the very least, to not be dead, or in pain. Would be worse.

I narrow my eyes, carefully inspecting my surroundings for anything. Nothing, except for the beige that expands everywhere. It almost feels claustrophobic. Ironic that it does, because this is an infinite place with no walls in sight. I'm being weighted down by this place. It's killing me.

Now that I think about it, Everything gives off an old computer vibe, like if it was made ages ago. Like.. 1990s? 1980s? It doesn't really matter anymore, now that I'm here. Heck, I don't even know if computers existed back then, or if they even looked like this. Probably not. I'm not a damn historian, and I don't even think historians study what people had computers look like in the 1990s.

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