Ruby and Springtrap

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Why did you agree to this? Why in the world did you agree to play this sick game with this terrifying and mysterious... thing. Why did you do it? Because you were cornered, and could do nothing else but force yourself to nod to it- his terms? Because you didn't want to anger the robot towering over you like the predator that it- no he was? Or was it because of the terms itself? That the robot promised he wouldn't stalk you anymore, or follow you home and leave terrifying reminders that you had to come back? Why didn't he just finish you off when you were asleep, or unsuspecting? Why now when he had perfect chances other times? Was it for the sick pleasure of being able to say "I caught my prey" and drag you down the hall like an animal being readied for its slaughter? Honestly, the only answer you had for yourself was that you were feeling terrified, confused, and conflicted.Cold sweat rolled off your body in heavy tears, almost as if your chest and face were crying from exhaustion and anxiety. "Where the hell did you choose to make your rat hole this time..." you cursed to yourself. Funny, you don't remember having such crude ways of dealing with stress before working here. "I-I-I'm rigghht h-h-errreee..." a voice hissed at you from the doorway, causing you to drop the tablet on the ground, cracking the thick screen. "Aa-a-a-nnnd concern-n-niiing y-your questiioon-n.. I m-m-might make it y-y-yoouuuur thick sk-sk-skulllllll..." You backed away slowly, letting out a small, terrified squeak when he glided over in front of you; his large height was fully juxtaposed with your shorter, more average one. "Wh...what do you want from me..?" You croaked, pressing your back into the wall.His silver eyes cut and drilled into your own, making the atmosphere more tense. "I w-w-want to pl-plaaaaay a game with y-y-you..." A gurgled hiss was slowly emitted along with the sentence, Springtrap's intimidation growing. "Then why not play the arcade games?" You yelped when his hand grabbed your jaw, forcing you to face him. "Y-yo-you need to l-l-learn to sh-sh-shut your mouth." He growled, his maw dangerously close to yours. "Sorry I- sorry" you whispered, letting out a terrified whine. This noise made Springtrap release a set of gurgles and hisses in approval, his head cocking slightly while his eyes roamed your face. "You look g-g-gorgeous when intiiiimidated, Ruby..." he growled softly, releasing his grip on your face. You took a moment to catch your breath, before eyeing him again with a shaking composure. "Y-you were talking about a game?" Your voice dropped in volume.Springtrap eyed you for a moment, before speaking up. "Y-yesss... and you'll like th-th-the prize if you win..." Your heart beat quickened slightly. "What are the rules..." you quietly asked, fiddling with your jeans. Springtrap backed away from you (at your relief), releasing another set of hisses. "B-b-basically what dan-nc-nceee we've be-been doing thi-issss passst week.." he stood a little taller than before. "Excepttt... there a-a-are prizesssss if o-o-one of us winssss..." You nodded meekly, watching him with wide eyes. "What is my... prize..." you asked. He squinted slightly, releasing an unhappy hiss. "I-I-I will have t-t-to stop-p-p paying you visitsssss... out-s-s-siiiiide of the atr-a-actiiiiion..." your heart leaped at the thought of that. No more sleepless nights filled with paranoia at what dead animal you'd find at your doorstep in the morning! Your excitement and glee must have shown forward, because Springtrap let out a slightly louder hiss than before, walking right back in front of you. "H-h-however... if I w-winnnn... I get to take pl-pl-pleasure in wh-what I've w-w-wanted to do to you f-f-for a l-l-long time..." Your glee instantly shattered to terrified fear. What sadistic thing did he have in mind for you? You didn't want to find out.Your thoughts were interrupted when you were dragged into a dark room that you hadn't seen with the camera's, before the door was closed, leaving the piercing silver eyes of Springtrap to be your only source of light. That is, until he turned on the head of a weird coyote looking animatronic. The room was slightly more lit now, allowing you to see the towering and menacing body of Springtrap as he studied your quivering form. "I won, Ruby," he broke the eerie silence, his eyes boring seeming holes through your chest. Even if you were going to die, you might as well play a fair sport. "A g-game is a game.." you stuttered, releasing a squeak of fear when he lumbered towards you. "I-i-indeeeeed..." he almost purred, confusing you. "W-wait. Before you kill me- uhm... at least allow me to write down my final message!" You tried to buy some time. He stopped for a moment, studying you again with those silver eyes of his. "Wh-when did I ev-ev-ever mention ki-killing, Ruby?" He purred again, oddly enough.You shivered slightly, gaining the courage to look him in the eye. "Y-you mean you aren't going to kill me?" You asked in disbelief. His eyes became lidded with something unrecognisable. "W-why w-w-would I wassssste something as gorg-g-geous as you?" He continued to purr, now in front of you. "I- uh- huh?" You stuttered, your confusion multiplying when his hands slinked down to your body, exploring and feeling your breasts and hips. Your face flushed red instantly, your stuttering only increasing. "Hush..." Springtrap hissed softly at you, causing you to quiet instantly, though your thoughts only screamed louder at you when his chest began to rumble softly. He dipped his head down into your neck, rubbing against it softly, causing your face to flush a deeper shade of red. "A-are you... purring..?" You meekly questioned, though it was cut off when a quite unexpected, yet pleasurable feeling surfaced warmly from your breasts, making you release a needy hum. "...I d-d-don't und-der-derstand why I am a-a-able to p-p-purrr. I j-j-just ha-have the abili-t-ty to d-do sssssso..." he husked in your ear.You gasped softly, feeling his hands explore your curves, increasing the pleasure ever so slightly. "W-why don't you just- mm! Kill me?!" Your back arched slightly when he softly nipped your collarbone. With a huge mouth like that, it was an easy find for your sweet spot. He spoiled you for a little bit, taking his sweet time to answer the question. "D-d-did you not h-h-heeeeaaar me the f-fiirsst time?" You moaned in response, due to the fact that he had brought his large hand down in between your legs, treating you to quite the massage. He growled softly at your pleasured noises, pushing you against the wall so that your hips were aligned with his. You breathed out sharply, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'm... really confused..." you panted, feeling yourself heat up considerably in certain areas. Springtrap pressed himself into you slightly, grinding against your squirming body while growling and purring like an animal. "Wh-what is there to b-b-be conf-fused ab-b-bout, my dear." He husked. You let out unsatisfied mewls in reaction to his grinding. "W-oh! Mm! Why this?" You barely managed to ask, your breath hitching at the pleasurable actions.He chuckled, nibbling on your ear. "B-b-becaussse... I've ad-ad-admired you f-f-for quite a while, Ruby. You're a rare cr-cr-creature, a-and for once I'll admit to being gree-dy-dy... be-c-c-cause I want you t-t-to myself. " Springtrap hummed, grinding harder against your warming body. You gasped in response, whining softly when you felt your nether regions heat up considerably and release pleasurable feelings each time he moved against you, creating a craving to go further than this. "...Springtrap!-" You moaned, visibly catching his attention when one of his ears twitched. "Wh-what is it?" He stopped his treatment momentarily, disappointing you. "I can't take this anymore..!" You panted, grinding your private domain against his own, making him shudder. He purred loudly, grabbing you by your hips and setting you down under himself. "G-g-getting impatient are we? I th-thought you w-w-weren't onb-b-board with thisss." His textured fingers caressed your cheeks, sending a shivering sensation up and down your body, before ending at your hairline. You squinted in irritation, before teasing his crotch area with your hands, making him shudder and purr, his eyes closing slightly in pleasure."I certainly am now, and I don't think you want to lose this opportunity." You huffed, trailing your hands up his damaged chest, though not too much, trying to see what it would look like for him to squirm. Springtrap purred louder, before glaring at you softly. "Y-you're teasing m-me!" He whined. You gave him a poker face, trying to convince him otherwise. "Teasing you? Why would I be doing that? It's your victory after all.~" At the mention of that, you traced your fingers under his jaw line, wrapping your legs around his hips. He shuddered much more than the last few times, releasing a sound that mixed between a hiss and a purr. Contact elated him, and the fact that you weren't giving him enough drove him up the walls. "M-my-my vic-t-tory huh..?" he growled, this time slightly unnerved you with how... feral it sounded. He gripped your hips, grinding his crotch area against yours, creating a friction, though much rougher than the last, was much more satisfying and pleasing. You clawed at Springtrap's back, not caring how loud your moans were this time, knowing very well that it would drive him to be a bit rougher.In reaction to your pleasured noises, Springtrap stopped for a moment, pulling down your zipper so that he could tear your jeans right off your legs. You gasped slightly, noting on the obviousness of your silky panties being revealed to the lustful eyes of Springtrap. "P-polka dots." He husked, pulling you down fully under him, his hand snaking down to feel through your thin fabric for your core. It didn't take long for him to find it, your immediate reactions to him teasing you being a sharp moan, your hips knocking against his. He chuckled darkly, rubbing you at a slow and unsatisfying pace, though it was enough to get you started. "Ah! D-damn it I need-haahhh!" You squirmed, moaned, and panted, setting an example of how much you were enjoying this. You wanted more though, your greed to just climax surfacing. Springtrap was fully aware of this, his purring increasing slightly at the fact that he had you pinned both ways."Tsk t-tsk, Ruby." He dipped his head back into your neck. "Can't ever learn patience, hm?" He sucked and licked at your collarbone, your moans chorusing with his growls and purring. You panted, arching your back and rocking your hips more as he sped up his fingers, playing and teasing your sensitive clit. Your moans only grew in volume as you began to near your climax, tightening your legs grip around his torso. Springtrap growled softly, unhappy that he wasn't hearing his name being cried out, instead of senseless moans. He stopped playing with your clit, causing you to release an unhappy whine in protest. He quickly shut you up by tearing off your panties, inserting two textured fingers into your entrance, your hips reacting first by bucking slightly. You waited for a moment, whining at the fact that he wasn't doing anything. No pumping, no teasing. Just his fingers sitting there vacantly."S-springtrap, what the hell?!" You hissed, attempting to recognise his half lidded eyes. "Ruby... s-s-sssssay my n-name." He purred, confusing you. "Springtrap..." you replied compliantly, making him suddenly pump his fingers in and out of you quickly. "Oh! Mm-yes!" You cried out. "S-s-ssssay it a-again." He growled, biting into your sweet spot. "Springtrap!...Harder please!" You begged, feeling him fulfill that request quickly. You panted and huffed, moaning out his name as much as you could. He increased the amount of pleasure he spoiled you with, eventually using his free hand to massage your clit while he fingered you. This caused your stomach to knot up, an overwhelming feeling blooming deep inside of you, almost as if you were spiraling out of control. You were nearing your climax, but it didn't mean the trip to heaven wasn't heaven either, your back arching against Springtrap's chest while cries of ecstasy tore free from your throat. "Oh god Springtrap! Fuck-" you choked on your words. All that pure bliss built up, the knot tightening up until you felt it burst into flames inside of you, not releasing that the loud cries echoing throughout the attraction were your own. Your head curved upward, your entrance tightening as much as it could around Springtrap's fingers, almost as if it were attempting to preserve the climax while you moaned out his name. You panted heavily, the orgasm coming off in waves each slightly weaker than the last, your body reacting with a prickling sensation each time it happened. Springtrap purred at your reaction, kissing your exposed neck. You replied to his rumbling chest with a finally satisfied hum, turning your head to the side. He sat you up gently, admiring your messy figure with half-lidded eyes. "Did y-you en-j-j-joy that?~" Springtrap husked, feeling up your chest. You whined softly, nodding weakly. Who knew being fingered could wear you out? Springtrap chuckled softly, pulling your panties off completely. "I k-know you'll enjoy this m-more th-than the previous treatment." his voice dripped with lust. You opened your tired eyes, curiosity still having a stronger hold on you than fatigue. Springtrap wrapped his arms around you, lifting you up so that you were sitting on his lap, and over a quite large and black member that previously hadn't been there. "Where did this come from?" You asked, attempting not to give off any hints towards your fear of the sheer size of it. Springtrap purred softly, his hand reaching down to open up your sensitive folds, making you gasp softly. "T-this fr-fr-friend of mine on-ly-ly comes out when I p-p-pleeaassse..." He sat you down on top of his bulging member, shuddering against you in pleasure as he slid into you. You sharply inhaled in response. Trying to get used to the feeling of something so large inside of you wasn't going to be easy, but you attempted to adjust yourself slightly so that you were more comfortable. Springtrap grunted, bucking softly in reaction, lighting a spark of pleasure deep within you. You let out a needy whine, tightening your entrance around him. "Mm! You're so fucking huge." you panted. He groped your breasts, though his purring became slightly louder, telling you that he enjoyed the compliment. "I hope so~"You, however, enjoyed the treatment you were receiving, releasing mewls and pants as he began to pump in and out of you along with the massaging. Springtrap huffed and began to pick up his pace, bouncing you on his lap, though he had to sacrifice feeling your soft mounds. "Ruby-"He grunted when you suddenly began to rock your hips against his thrusts, creating more contact between the two of you. You panted heavily, your head bouncing slightly to each move Springtrap made into you. "Damn it..." you hissed, once again unsatisfied. You were definitely feeling pleasure at the moment, but there was that thought where you knew you could experience much more. "Fuck me harder..!" Your guttural noise consisting of growls and whines, both mixed with pleasure and impatience. Springtrap's ears twitched at your demands, before he repositioned you under himself and began to thrust rougher and quicker. Your womb began to numb in pleasure, your breath shortening down to raspy and desperate puffs and whines."F-fuck- I'm already cumming!" You barely managed to cry out, feeling yourself tighten to a choking fit around Springtrap's member, his purring and shuddering only increasing. "Ruby!" He rasped, spreading out your legs as much as possible, attempting to pump more of himself deeper into you. Your pleasured cries and whines rose in volume, chorusing along with Springtrap's purring and growls. The two of you were getting closer to your pinnacles, though you were significantly ahead, due to Springtrap spoiling you a few moments ago. Panting heavily, you began to feel the same overwhelming fire from before peak inside of you, though much stronger than before. "Harder! Oh god! Springtrap I'm so close!" You cried out, your hips arching while you once again felt your stomach knot up. Knowing very well you were close, Springtrap grabbed and curled his fingers into your hips, roughly slamming himself into your womb, finally reaching your sweet spot.Your back curled in sweet, pure ecstasy, your cries of pleasure caught in your throat. Your breath stopped momentarily, building up pressure and finally shattering that thin wall holding back so much. Your body was washed over with fiery waves of the orgasm, feeling yourself dissolve into pleasure while muttering Springtrap's name. He followed in suite, pumping his length into you a few more times until he finally climaxed himself, releasing inside of you. "Ruby..." he purred, moaning as he held onto your hips, softly bucking away the remains of the orgasm. You slumped to the floor, relishing in how the cold tile cooled your heated body. "Mmm... that was amazing..." you sighed. Springtrap slid out of you, wrapping his arms around your chest before laying beside you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "I s-s-sure ho-pe-pe-pe so..." he sighed. "Though th-thisss was plea-s-s-surable for me, s-s-something a-as precious as y-y-youuu sh-sh-should feel good, e-especially if I c-c-caan offer i-it." Springtrap growled, pulling you closer to him, almost as if he didn't want to lose you. You heaved a sigh, patting his cheek awkwardly. "Well next time, don't leave dead animals on my front lawn and I might be more open to you." Springtrap huffed on your in a grumpy manner, wrapping his legs around yours, almost as if he were trying to fully envelop you into himself. "How else w-w-was I ssss-supposed to di-v-vert your attention fr-fr-from that one guy w-who always v-v-vvvvisited you?" He whined. You shook your head, sighing. "Why do people always think I'm going out with my cousin?!" Springtrap looked away in embarrassment. "I k-k-knew that." He grumbled.You sighed. "Now that you've fucked me, can you please stop visiting me in the middle of the night? I'm not gonna stop working here, so don't worry about me all-of-a-sudden disappearing, alright?" He squinted at you, almost as if he were offended, but seemed to be considering your request. "...Promise?" His voice was serious, as if you would say no. "Promise." You replied. "Now I need you to let go of me so that I can get dressed.

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