Prologue: The first kills

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A/N: This takes place a few days before the opening scene of the movie

The camera focuses on a male sitting at a bar looking down at his drink wondering what has happened in his life before he gets a notification from his phone

My love 💕

Hey, are you already here? I can't find you

I'm at the bar at the other end of the dance floor

Can you meet me at the dance floor? I won't be able to find you

The man sighs before he gets up and pays for his drink before walking into the dance floor. There are many people on the dance floor but what he doesn't realize is there is a person shadowing his movement.

???: There you are! I've been looking all over for you

The man turns and sees a female who we now know is his girlfriend but what either don't know that this was their last dance. After the final dance they go off into a secluded area and start making out. Suddenly, there is a noise off in the distance. They look at each other before going back to kissing only this time the sound is closer.

Man: whoever is there why don't you just fuck off

There was a noise behind them and when they turned around the man was stabbed several times before falling over. The woman was about to scream but a hand covers her mouth and she is stabbed to death as well.

The figure flicks most of the blood away while facing away from the camera. Once they turn around it is revealed to be-

-Ghostface brandishing a knife

30 minutes later we see the same Ghostface in what looks to be a basement. The Ghostface looks in the mirror before removing their mask only to reveal-

 The Ghostface looks in the mirror before removing their mask only to reveal-

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(A/N: if you don't like it you can change it to whatever you want)

Y/N L/N the son of Stu Macher and Rose L/N. As he is looking at his reflection he sees his father appear beside him

Stu: Great kills, we just have to keep Tara from finding out that it was us, well more you than me but you get what I mean

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Stu: Great kills, we just have to keep Tara from finding out that it was us, well more you than me but you get what I mean.

Y/N: She won't find out dad, I'll be fine. In fact I was supposed to be hanging out with her in a few hours so we'll see then.

As soon as Y/N gets done speaking he gets a call from Tara

Tara: "hey babe, you want to head to the movies? The new Quick and Angry (fast and furious spin off) just came out and since  your favorite actor is in it I was wondering if you wanted to see it?"

Y/N: sure I'll come and get you right now.

Y/N heads to his car after cleaning all the blood off of him before driving to Tara's house. After 15 minutes of driving, he pulls up outside of her house and honks his horn twice signaling he's outside. After about 2 minutes later, Tara is seen running outside to the car.

Tara: Hi baby! How are you?

Y/N: Hey babe, you ready?

Tara: Yeah, let's goo!

Once she's fully in the car and buckled in they drive off and Tara decides to turn on the radio and conveniently it talks about what happened earlier.

Radio: Earlier today the bodies of Brandon Wells and Tambry Owens were found in an alley beside the hit bar and dance club Club 26. Both have multiple-

Y/N cuts the radio off before they could finish and decides to hook his phone up to the aux and hands it to Tara while at a red light.

Y/N: Pick a song love.

Tara is a little confused but decides to anyway and turns on (your favorite song) and she turns to Y/N smiling.

Tara: You absolutely love this song

Y/N: Yes I do, and I won't deny it.

On the way to the theater they sing the song and laugh once they park at the theater and as they walk in they see posters for all kinds of movies. Once the movie is over we see Y/N letting out a tear of happiness

Y/N: The ending was so beautiful.

Tara takes a picture of him and laughs on the way to the car. During the drive back they hold hands and Tara starts a conversation.

Tara: Y/N, I want you to promise me that no matter what there will be no secrets between us that could ruin our relationship.

Y/N looks ahead for a bit then looks over at her with a smile

Y/N: I promise, there will be no secrets between us that will ruin our relationship.

Once they pull up to Tara's house the two share a kiss before Tara heads inside. Y/N sits there for a bit after she's inside when his fsther materializes beside him

Stu: Wow son, you chose a good one. Wish I had someone like that when I was here.

Stu looks over to his son and gains a serious face

Stu: You must do whatever it takes to never lose her and must protect her from all the fakes that try and harm her. She is your rock and special gem. Do not let nothing or no one hurt her and if someone does.... Show them what happens when you cross a Macher.

Y/N looks at the rear view mirror with an evil glint in his eyes and smirks like he is about to commit heinous crimes.

(A/N: For those that don't know it is pronounced Hay-ness)

A/N: the prologue is officially published; the official movie starts in a few days there will be parts of the movie that won't be shown due to some chapters revolving around Y/N as Ghostface. Should I include Stu more often as an additional character that's both Y/N angel and demon on his shoulder? Would y'all like him to be more psychotic or is this good enough? Tell me what you think and I would love if anyone has ideas have a blessed day/evening/night whenever you read this.

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