Thats me

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If someone asked me few years before

-Natalie what do u think girl what is love?-

I would say something most beautiful in the whole world ,it's something to belive in,to trust in!

And now i hate it, despise it.Why?

Because then I was in love to a guy who break my existence on this world well literally he smash it.My love and my longing for him went into the wind of oblivion.He was my first and only well then of course now he is just little pieces of the past.In this time I have my life,my job,my dog,my apartment and my friends.But you know what they say something is always missing in my case its love.But for me its not welcome in front of my doors.Not now,not yet not ever.You may say-urghhh she is crazy she will become bitter and grumpy-but hey its my life my story my way.Maybe who knows if someone will sneak into my heart unlock it again and keep the key for themself.Who knows?!?

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