Chapter 4: Interrogation

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The distant footsteps snapped Sebastian into action. Without another word, he swiftly maneuvered Seraphina to the passenger side of the car, his urgency unyielding. "Get in. We're leaving," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

Seraphina, bewildered by his abruptness, complied, feeling the weight of his forceful demeanor. The drive home was fraught with tension, the air thick with unspoken questions and a palpable sense of unease.

Upon arrival, Sebastian ushered Seraphina into the luxurious living room of his apartment, his mannerisms brusque as he paced, his mind consumed by a relentless curiosity and distrust.

"Sit down," he commanded, gesturing to the couch. His voice held a mixture of authority and agitation as he regarded Seraphina, his eyes probing for answers.

Seraphina obeyed, her heart racing with trepidation. Sebastian's demeanor bordered on aggressive interrogation as he paced before her, his thoughts swirling in a maelstrom of suspicion and confusion.

"Explain everything. Start from the beginning," Sebastian demanded, his voice a clipped order as he hovered before her.

Struggling to find the right words, Seraphina recounted the inexplicable events of the blackout, the trembling ground, and the blinding light that transported her into this unfamiliar world. She hesitated at certain points, unsure of how much to reveal, but her urgency to convey the truth outweighed her reservations.

Sebastian's skepticism waned slightly as he listened, his rigid posture softening fractionally. Yet, his features remained etched with doubt, his mind wrestling with the implausibility of her story.

"I find it hard to believe," he countered, his voice tinged with skepticism, "that you woke up in Aurelia's body."

Seraphina's gaze pleaded for understanding. "I know how it sounds, but it's the truth," she implored, her voice earnest and tinged with a hint of desperation.

Their conversation ebbed and flowed, punctuated by tense silences and probing questions. Sebastian's aggression gradually waned, replaced by a sense of perplexity and a cautious intrigue toward Seraphina's inexplicable predicament.

Their exchange, fraught with uncertainty and distrust, marked the beginning of an uneasy alliance-a delicate balance between Sebastian's relentless pursuit of the truth and Seraphina's earnest endeavor to make him understand the enigmatic forces that bound their destinies.

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