No calm after the storm.

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The next day was pure hell. Calls from both of our parents, my sister, our friends, co-workers, reporters but mostly our company kept our phones busy. Everybody wanted to know what was true and what wasn't. Opening any social platform was practically terrifying. Too many things were being said and as much as Dokyeom tried to keep me away from it, the two of us ended up going back and seeing if there were even a few people speaking in our favour. 

Constant calls from unknown numbers had started becoming frustrating. At times it were paparazzis, sometimes sasaengs asking if their 'oppas' were captured by a bitch, the bitch in question being me. Calls that had driven all of us on an edge. 

Mingyu had his phone turned off, we couldn't reach him until a few other members went to his house to check up on him and distract him through this chaos. 

"We can't even step out to get some fresh air anymore" Dokyeom spoke running a hand through his hand, tired of it all. 

"Do you want to go-" I started but he interrupted me. 

"No. I don't  want to go anywhere. Anywhere we go, all we'll get is sympathy how it will all be okay. You and I both know nothing is going to be okay for a while." he spoke and reached for a water bottle and chugged down water. 

"I know that, we can't do anything right now" I said in a calm tone watching my blank phone screen. 

"We can't but the company can. They aren't doing anything to protect you, me or Mingyu. Bodyguards can only protect us physically. What about this? I have you and you have me to rely on right now. What about Mingyu? He must be getting the same amount of phone calls right now." Dokyeom continued, frustration evident in his voice. His concern for Mingyu was palpable, and it added another layer of complexity to an already challenging situation. 

"It's good that at least some of the members are with him right now, they'll distract him somehow for now." Dokyeom answered his own worries with a sigh. His frustration seemed to be bubbling beneath the surface, and I could sense that he felt a bit helpless in the current situation. 

"They'll target you like crazy, all of this over a dinner. You need to delete your accounts to keep away from all the nonsense that's being spoken about you. You don't have an idea about what kind of texts must be filling up your DMs." Dokyeom suggested in a rather bothered tone making me narrow my eyebrows. 

"Dokyeom I can't run away from this. My SNS accounts aren't my private, they're work related and frankly deleting them will only clarify their doubt- that yes Choi Hana dating one of the two. It won't help." i answered and he narrowed his eyebrows

Dokyeom's frustration hung heavy in the air, and I could feel the tension building between us.

"It's not about running away, Hana. It's about protecting yourself. This isn't just about us anymore; it's about your well-being, our well-being as a couple. Why can't they be happy that their ever so loved idol is actually happy with someone?" Dokyeom argued, his voice tinged with concern.

I sighed, trying to remain calm. "Dokyeom, we knew this wouldn't be easy. Deleting accounts; It won't solve anything. We need to wait till the storm settles."

Dokyeom ran his hands through his hair in exasperation. "Facing it is one thing, but being dragged through the mud is another. They're dissecting our every move, invading our privacy."

"We expected this scrutiny when we decided to be together," I replied, my voice steady. "We can't let them dictate our actions. You as an idol and you as a person are different, but that line has been wiped down to nothing right now in public image, but it has to be clear in front of you." 

Forelsket  {Dokyeom, DK ff}Where stories live. Discover now