Episode 102

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Stella, Zoro, chopper were all standing there holding an unconscious Luffy.
Chopped: Looks like he's back with us.
Zoro: Are you finally sane again?
You're such a nuisance.
Luffy: Huh? What? Huh? Where are the others?
Stella: Dunno.
Luffy: Huh? You don't know?
Stella: we're not sure to be more precise
Luffy: Don't be funny.
Zoro and Stella laughed.
This is no time to be laughing!
Both! Yeah.
Luffy: So we're lost again
All: Who's fault do you think that is?
Luffy: What? My fault?
They were all walking together.
Luffy ran off.
Come back here crocodile
Nami: What's he breaking about? Plus he's flying
Luffy: I'm going kick your butt!
Usopp: Did he eat another weird cactus?
Nami: Ugh! Can't he ever not cause trouble? Chopper
Zoro: I don't think he can help.
Chopper was out like a light.
Stella: Poor baby passed out.
Nami: Oh, geez. Alright, Zoro! Stella! It's up to you guys.
Zoro: Why us?
Nami: Want me to talk more about your debt? And Stella for you the little secret.
Sanji: Stella-sama what secret you know you can always tell me.
A/n Why does Zoro keep doing what Nami wants like the price is not getting any lower and if she raises the price so what? Like come on
Zoro: If you don't end up in hell, I'm gonna kick you down there myself
Nami: I look forward to it!
A/n No lie I'm with Zoro on this Nami is being ridiculed about her damn Berries.
Zoro Stella had to during chopper with them.
Okay! Let's get going!?
Vi: Eh? Shouldn't we wait for them?
Sanij:They can just follow in our footsteps.
A/n oh yeah because that worked great last time. And they call Luffy Dumb
Nami: With their strength, they catch up in no time. We can wait somewhere relaxing.
All: Agreed
Vi: Mind Will they really be all right?
Zoro: You idiot! Wake up! Urgh! Stick him with a needle or something, quick!
Chopper: O...kay...
Zoro: Come on, now... Stella can'tbyiu do something about him he is your brother
Stella: I've dealt with a lot of stuff him Hluminating not one of them
She sits down and brings chopper to her lap.
Luffy: Crocodile! I found you!
Zoro: What're you talking about?
Luffy: My sister... Gonna
Zoro: You dumbass! Don't make me...
Luffy: Kick your but! But I'll give her a little help. Gum-gum. Submarine! He goes under the sand and punches Zoro. Mailing the Sand on Stella and Chopper.
Stella cleaned him off.
Zoro: Even though this happens every single time...stopping him when he's gone crazy is a pain! They ran at each other. They miss each time.
How did I wind up following one captain like this? They were able to hit each other with one hit.
Chopper's nose wiggled. He woke up.
Stella: Nuce to see you come to join us.
Chopper: Where are we? They look over the sand to see the two.
What are you doing? They went to them falling in the Sand still with their hands in each other faces.
What's going on? What in the world happened? Hey! Zoro! Hey! He smacked his face a couple of times.
Get up! He had something under their nose. A restorative!
Zoro got up!
Chopper: What were you doing?
Zoro: Stuff...
Stella: He means Fight with Luffy.
Chopper: He's still buried.
Zoro: Leave him be for now.
Where are the others?
Chopper: They were given when I came too...
Zoro: Those coldhearted bastards! But that's alright. We can just follow their footprints.
Stella: Sorry to tell you this but the footprints are gone. You do remember that happened last time. The wind comes from time to time and blows any tracks away.
Luffy: Say what? You're actually crocodile?
Zoro: Don't be stupid! He hit him
Luffy: Huh! We git separated?
Zoro: you moron!
Luffy: Why didn't we go after them sooner? Zoro punched him again
That would be because of you
Luffy: Chooper! You smell things good!
Chopper: I'm already trying. But I don't see anything at all.
Luffy: Then we have no clues at all?
Zoro: Which way is the wind blowing from?
Chopper: I don't know the direction, but it's coming from out left.
Zoro: Left! Huh? That's at least mean they didn't go that way.  He looks left as he says that.
Luffy: You're just making that up. Shut up! Stay here if that's what you want! Let's get Chopper! Stella!
Luffy: C'mon, wait for me! Don't leave me behind!
They continue to walk.
Chopper: Will he be all right?
Zoro: He's not the kind to kick the bucket so easily.
Stella: I mean he survived this long-acting like himself.
Chopper: say. Is rate life always like this?
Stella: Like what?
Chopper: Always climbing snowy mountains, crossing deserts...
Zoro: Ain't that the truth? But we're just a little out of the ordinary. Plus there's one of our captains.
Chopper: I think I might've gotten on board a not-so-good ship...
Zoro: What a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing myself.
Stella got a little sad hearing that.
Chopper: Say. You're the most veteran crew member here, right? Besides Stella.
Zoro: I guess, but there is not that much of a difference between us.
Chopper: Why did you join?
Zoro: Why do you ask?
Chooper: To me, since I just joined, it seems like everyone is a maverick. Especially you two.
Zoro: That's true. In my case, things pretty much just turned out this way. The others are the same. Our real goals are different from ours.  Besides Stella. We're trying to do what we want to do. It is crazy. It's just like someone said before. On the outside, we have no teamwork at all. Especially given one of our captains. He's a real handful.
Chopper: I think so, too.
Zoro: What really, what is teamwork? Is helping each other and protecting each other enough? Some people say so, but sorry, that only sounds like they're fooling themselves. I think teamwork only beings. When everyone risks their lives to do what they can and then says, "I did it. You're up next! If you can't do it, I'll kill you!" when you think about it that way, what's wrong with having Mavericks as companions? That's my opinion, anyway.
Chopper: So that's what Usopp meant by, " just do what you can"
Zoro laughs
A/n Zoro laughing is adorable.
It sounds like BS when he says it, though. As for what I stay with these him. He looks back. Being by his aide all the time has given me a goal to strive for.
Chopper: Another goal?
Zoro: Sorry. I dunno how to answer about it.
Cooper: What about you Stella what's you say about this?
Stella: I can only say that I'm sorry.
The two were confused.
I can see that you guys are having doubts about staying with us and from time to time you would have to question yourself why you do stay with us. I mean we are just new to this whole pirate thing after all. But I just want to say that Luffy is a great guy he may act like an idiot from time to time but he means well to everyone. If he didn't no one would be here. I wouldn't be here. I can't stop you guys from questioning how Luffy acts. She had tears in her eyes.
But all I ask is that you have faith in us. She looked at them we'll do everything we can to get you guys goals no matter what it takes.
That's why I'm sorry that we're not the best pirates out there.
Zoro: Oh man we're sorry we didn't mean it like that.
Chopper: Yeah.
Stella: No it's fine it's the truth I can handle it.
Luffy found Shead and used his Gum-Gum to get them there faster.
Luffy: It's nice and cool!
Zoro: si oughta chip you apart!
Luffy: Oh! My bad! My bad!
Stella: wherea's Chopper?
Chopper was in the hot sand
Luffy: There he is!  What's he doing out there? Is he trying to act funny?
Stella and Zoro had their weapon on Luffy's neck.
Yes. It was my fault. I'm sorry.
Zoro: Geez! What was the point of that conversation-- he sat down but fell through
Luffy: Hey. I didn't know Zoro was a comedian
Stella: He's not!
Luffy: Hey you okay
Zoro: Damnit! That hurts! What is this place? What's this? He walks up. What is this? He sees a wall with writing on it what's something
Luffy: Doing underground?
Zoro: Why are you guys down here?
Luffy: I used my arms
Stella: He asked Why!
Luffy: Just cause.
Zoro: You idiot! With you guys down here too we might get separated from Chopper! Without him, we'll never meet up with Vivi and the others!
Luffy: Oh! That's okay
Zoro: Why is that?
Stella: Because Chopper was falling down here too! Chopper fell
Luffy: See?
Chopper: What is this place?
Zoro: Heya. You seem to be alright.
Chopper: Zoro! Stella! Luffy! What is this place??
Zoro: No idea. But whatever it is, it's definitely underground.
Chopper: Underground.
Nami: I'm exhausted! Let's take a short break!
Sanji: Yea, Nami-san! Usopp was on the ground
Nami: C'mon! You're pathetic!
Usopp: Easy for you to say! You rode Lashes! We gotta walk the whole way!
Nami: Thanks, Lashes! Vivi?
Vi: Will Luffy-san and the others know where to find us
Nmai: I think they'll be fine. We're on top of a hill. It stood out clearly, even from far away.
Vi: I hope so...
Nami: say. How much further to Yuba?
Vi: Seeing as we made it to these ruins, we should be there by night if we continue walking.
Nami: Close, at least...
Sanji: Oh? So these are ruins?
Vi: Yes. I believe they're from quite an old era. Civilization first began here thousands of years ago. May kingdom have risen and fallen. Resettlement in search of water, the occasional war... Ruins of such things remain all throughout this land. Many are full of mystery.
Sanji: And Time flowed on, leading to the Alabasta dynasty of today?  That's an epic story. A prosperous kingdom destined to disappear... It's almost romantic.
Nami: sanji-kun!
Sanji: Sorry, vivi-chan! I didn't mean it like that! It was just you know,  a figure of speech...
Vi: It's all right. I've often felt the same as of late. Just want is a county?  Even if the ruler of the land changes its people will keep on living. Culture, lifestyles... If those stay the same even when a country changes, if those stay the same even when a country changes, I wonder if it is really necessary to struggle to protect the country. Certainly, other things need protecting. Ever since the sand pirates and the two with the fake rebel soldiers, I've been thinking that way a lot. I'm sorry! That's just me being strange! I have not found the answer either!
But I do know what we must do now! Baroque's works scheming is about to cause a meaningless war! We must stop it, at all costs!  What they're trying to do is there his land into ruins! I don't care if it leaves a dark splotch in our history! I absolutely refuse to let Crocodile have his way! Usopp:Well, we should get going!
Vi: Usopp&san! Are you alright?
Usopp: Are you kidding? I can't control the strength selling up in me!
Sanji: Liar.
Usopp: On, shut up! They'll stop in a second! I'll show you how gutsy Manly Usopp is! I'll never fall to my knees easily! Sanji tapped his knees making him fall.
What's the big deal?
Nami: Well, we should get going Vivi.
Vi: Eh? What about Luffy-san?
Nami: You're such a worrywart. He says that Stella going to kick Crocodile's butt. And since she has a clear goal, you can let them do their own thing. You know that!
Vi: yes;
Zoro: My eyes adjusted. On closer look, we're inside a giant some.
Chopper: But my people, no less.
Zoro: Huh?.
Chopper: These are probably ancient ruins or something.
Stella: How can you tell?
Chopper: Look at this. See all the picture-like writing on this wall? I saw it in a book or something before. These are ancient letters.
Luffy: Who cares about that stuff? It's so nice and cool in here!
Zoro: If you're right, then what is this pace doing underground?
Chopper: I don't really know. Was it built underground, or was it buried after it was built? Either way, I get the feeling they were trying to hide this building.
Zoro: Dunno who did it but They were worked hard. In any case, it is none of my business, and it doesn't interest me. me. What we have to do now is get the hell out of here. Right, captains?
Stella: Yeah
Luffy: Really? But it's cool in here.
Stella: Just get up!
Luffy: No! No! Let's stay here a little longer it's hot outside! He rolled around on the ground.
Luffu for up with a bumb on his head.
Okay! Time to get outta here! We got to meet up with the others!
The two were frightened
Stella: It's fun being the oldest.
Luffy: So that's Zoro comedy hole?
Zoro: Shut up!
Luffy: All right! Gum-Gum...Pistol. He hit next to the hole making rocks fall on him
Zoro: What are you doing?
Luffy: Darn it! I missed because the target so small! He did it again. Alright! Got it! But he broke some parts of it again.
Stella: I'll ask. What are you trying to do? Just grab the boulder above the hole!
Luffy: This is getting annoying! Gum-Gum... Gatling! He punched the hole multiple times. Pieces of rocks fell down.
Alright! All better
Zoro: Arenyiy crazy? What are you gonna grab on to now that you broke the boulder?
Luffy: it's okay! I got an idea!
Chopper. You should probably turn a little. Gum-Gum... He wrapped his arm around a pillar.
Stella: Oh, now I see...
Luffy: Grab on!
Stella: Just give it up. This is the only way!
A/n Stella uses your Devil fruit that's it. You meet Ace already it's okay.
Both: Okay
Chopper held to the left side
Stella is on the right. And Zoro behind her. Luffy let's go. Spring!  They all start to fly.
Chopper: How are we going to land?
Luffy: Heck if I know!
Chopper: You don't mean-?
Stella: I told you to just give it up!
Chopper: Nobody mentioned this! They fell.
Luffy: Successful escape! Where'd they go? He sees them far away.
Oh, there they are!
Chopper: I think I did choose the wrong ship ride on...
Zoro: We're on the same wavelength today... I was just thinking the same thing.
Stella: I'm not even going to argue with that.
Sanji: Usopp. You're callus behind.
What happened to show how gutsy you are?
Usoop: I only said that out of spirit..m
Nami: Hang in there! Just a little further! Still worried?
Vi: Oh, no...
Nami: It's written all over your face.
Vi: I'm sorry. I do have faith in them but..
Nami: I'm guessing you'll never get over being a worrier. But that has its good points, too.
Vi:You people are amazing. I've felt that way ever since Little Garden. How can you have so much faith in your friends?
Nami: How? It's not something I'm conscious of I've never even thought about it.
Vi That's what's amazing. Having unconditional faith in someone. That's not very easy to have.
Nami: Hmm. I'm not really sure but maybe it's because we all do what we can as beat as we can? A while back he said something on the island I lived on.
Luffy: I don't know how to use, swords you bastard! I don't know how to sail the ocean! I can't cook! I can't lie either! I'm confident that I can't live without help!
I remember those words very well... I thought, "Oh, this is how these pirates are..." Alone, there is a lint on your strength. Sometimes time you all want to do is too much for one person. You need friends. But it means nothing if those friends don't do what they can. Whoops! Sorry, that wasn't an answer!
Vi: Thank you!
Name: I can't keep my thoughts straight in this heat!
Vi:  Mind That answers plenty. Yea, that may be one of this country's forms.
Luffy: Hey! Hurry up!
Zoro: Of course, he gets energetic when it starts to cool off.
Chopper stops
What is it?
Chopper: The wind has changed direction. I smell something! No doubt about it it's Nami perfume! It's this way!
Stella: Way to go! Luffy! We found Nmai and the others! In the sunset directions
Luffy: For real? Hey guys!
Zoro: Don't rush off on your own! We'll get separated again, you moron! They all ran.
Vi was able to use them on the side of them.
Vi: Mind when I'm with them I start to see any things... These people may have the answer!

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