01 | The Party. ✧

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Kiaran's POV:

Summer was the time for parties, but since it was nearing the end of August and the start of the new school year, it was mostly frat parties almost everywhere getting the new students used to their new college life.

The block was packed with cars, and it was somewhat difficult to find a parking spot, but as Kiaran looked around, standing in the backseat with her hair blowing in the cool breeze, she could see the frat houses where all the college boys lived was all lit up with raving, colorful lights and loud music.

They soon pulled up on the lawn, as there wasn't anywhere else to park. Getting out of the car, Hanji grabbed onto Kiaran and hooked her arm through hers as she was bouncing with excitement. "This will be so much fun!" she said.

Unsure from the amount of people Kiaran turned to her friend nervously as this wasn't exactly the kind of party she was expecting, but she went through with it for Hanji of course.

As they walked through the front door, they were greeted by the DJ, who was playing loud beats and hitting every note perfectly. The room was illuminated with various colors: blues, purples, reds, and greens. Many students were dancing and moving energetically to the music. It was pretty crowded as they made their way through, as many of the males set their sights on Kiaran as she could tell by the looks on their faces as she walked past they wanted to talk to her. But sadly, none of them truly caught her eye. She soon felt Mike put his arms firmly around them to ensure they wouldn't be knocked over he began guiding them through the crowd of people.

Making their way through the crow, reaching a corner where they could move freely. Kiaran felt at ease without all the eyes on her. She soon heard Mike shout over the music, leaning into the two. "I'll be back to get you two some drinks! I'll bring back something good," he shouted.

Kiaran nodded in response as she scanned the room as she found herself looking for Levi oddly enough, wondering if he had come. Part of her wanted him to because perhaps they could talk everything out. She didn't like how things ended, but it was her fault. Pushing all those thoughts away, Hanji soon pulled her in by the waist as Kiaran looked at her as her friend was already getting too lit. "Let's dance! Maybe you'll find someone to take home tonight!" she shouted.

As much as she hated to admit it, she was right. Levi was the least of her worries right now as the song changed to I Kissed A Girl, a mashup version which was perfect. Grabbing Hanji's hand, Kiaran soon dragged her friend out into the crowd of people who were dancing their hearts out as the upbeat song started playing.

When was the last time she felt like this? Feeling Hanji's hands wrap around her waist, Kiaran returned the favor and began wrapping her arms around her neck. As the two just began singing, with Hanji nearly shouting, Kiaran couldn't help but laugh as she knew Hanji was a crazy party animal. As the girls swayed their hips to the music, Hanji couldn't help but smile as she began bobbing her head to the music. "Are you glad you came now?" Hanji asked, holding her close.

Kiaran giggled over the music, leaning her head back as it turned into a sweet laughter. "Yeah, I am," she said.

As the two started laughing with one another they began grinding to the music as Kiaran turned herself around to press against Hanji's chest feeling her friends fingertips dig into her waist. Rocking her hips against Hanji while her hair kept falling over her shoulders, she started feeling like her old self more and more as they started a little grinding session. As she began rubbing her ass up against Hanji's pelvis only to be met with her friend smacking her ass playfully. 

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