M is for Magnet

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One day, in a flash, she understood and found herself released from the strain of opposites into joyous neutrality.

Stunned, she saw that all of the chaos, the conflict, and the misery... none of it was necessary. Attraction and repulsion, direct opposites, are inherent in each of us, and we push and pull against ourselves and each other. It is their constant tension that causes the suffering of the world. That is how we are built, yes, but the source of both runs through our center.

She'd just needed to find her center, where attraction and repulsion balance perfectly such that they, in effect, no longer exist.

It was a loud, chaotic, and fractious world, but she could change that. Now that she understood, she needed to share this revelation with anyone who would listen.

"Find your center" would be her first teaching, the mere surface of the truth she had uncovered.

It would be years before anyone truly understood the meaning of those words, but eventually, seeing the joy she possessed that none could touch, someone did. 

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