02. Information

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Rajveer's Cabin

Rajveer sat in his cabin, Thinking about how to gather information about Trisha. Suddenly, an idea struck him, prompting him to pick up his phone and make a call.

The call was answered on the second ring, and the voice from the other end exclaimed, "You remembered me today! What's up, or should I say, what's the matter, bro?" The person on the other end chuckled.

Rajveer retorted, "Let's cut the nonsense and discuss something meaningful."

The other person replied, "Sure, why not? Tell me what's going on."

Rajveer said, "You might be aware of this, but let me confirm. I'm getting married in two days, and before that, I need some information that only you can provide."

After hearing everything, the person on the other end, Rajveer's friend Aryan, said, "Alright, give me two hours, and everything will be in front of you, bro."

Aryan wasn't just an ordinary person; he was Rajveer's childhood friend who knew everything about him. Rajveer entrusted Aryan with the task of hacking Trisha's social media accounts to gather essential information.

Even though Rajveer could have asked someone else for this task, he kept his personal matters strictly confidential. He had a limited circle of people in his life, with Aryan being his only true friend. Rajveer's family consisted of his parents and a sister, whom he deeply loved.

After the call ended, Aryan assured him that everything would be ready in a few hours. Rajveer took a sigh of relief, knowing he could now focus on his tasks with peace of mind.

On the other side, chaos ensued at Sachdeva Corporation as a significant project led by them went missing. The reason behind this sudden turn of events was unclear, considering they had prepared thoroughly for it.

Akhil, Trisha's father, managed all the projects, and this particular project had been prepared by his son Aditya.

Akhil, busy in his files. And suddenly his phone rang. He took his phone which was placed on his desk and received a call, and without much thought, he answered, "Yes, speak. Rajveer, today, out of the blue, called me, he said there's something urgent."

Meanwhile, In his cabin, Rajveer had a victorious smile on his face as he replied, "Why can't I call, Uncle?"

"l was just a bit busy. Anyway, tell me, what's up with the call?"Akhil, nonchalantly, responded,

"Well, I know that your company has lost its biggest project. If you don't mind, I can help you."Rajveer, with a confident smile, said

He added further "Uncle, now that you know everything, if you want my help, I won't refuse. Or should I say, I won't be able to refuse?"

"Thanks, though, for thinking so much about us."Akhil said,

And having understood Rajveer's intentions, said again "Beta now that you know the extent of our loss, feel free to help if you wish. Thank you for considering us in your thoughts."

Rajveer, already aware of Akhil's response, quickly stated, "I am ready to help you in every way possible, but I have one condition."


What could be Rajveer's condition?

Would Akhil be willing to accept Rajveer's terms?

Hey guys, How's the update I hope it's good. Let me know in the comment section. Now you all are excited for another chapter it's soon guys..... Stay tuned and stay connected with "Shadow of Destiny"

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