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« “ Wanna be friends? ” »

“ First Meeting ”



was seen swimming in the coastal marine waters, peacefully munching on plankton.

This child was named "[name] [lastname", a merboy.

-----------------------------------------------------------(*You can change [name]' appereance, but [name] has to have greyish blue skin in his merman form, and he has to have scars in the exact spot where the drawing is represented

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(*You can change [name]' appereance, but [name] has to have greyish blue skin in his merman form, and he has to have scars in the exact spot where the drawing is represented.)*

Two scars were presented on the 10 year old's face.

One on his (author's) right side and the other on his nose.

Many other merboys seem to be afraid of him, it was because he was half-bluefish.

Bluefish tend to eat other fish, making it a predator.

It was natural that the other merboys would cower in fear Infront of the half-bluefish.

The other merboys didn't know that the young bluefishes didn't eat fish yet, they ate plankton.

But, the h/cnette understood their fear, because he knew that when he grew older, he'll start to crave.. fishes, Still the merboy felt lonely.

Alas, the lonely merboy finally was tired of being a loner, so he decided to atleast try to make friends, just as he did before when he was 5.

[name] had spotted two eels gathered around a pot.

so naturally, wanting to make friends, he approached them.

The young eels noticed his presence, and they quickly had their guard up.

"Hello...!" [name] shyly waved at them, still not used to introducing himself and try making friends again.

The Bluefish mustered up a smile that he hoped didn't come off as ‘Im gonna eat you’ vibe.

The Twins clearly were hesitant, taking in that the one that just talked to them is a bluefish merboy.

"..Ah! I don't eat fish! i swear!" The bluefish added, a small blush crept on his face, of embarrassment.

"..Hi!" The seemingly younger twin said, still keeping his guard up, but it seems like this twin lowered their guard down just a tinsy bit.

Seeing as his younger twin had greeted the bluefish, the older one responded aswell, with a simple and polite hello.

"..Uhm.. Wanna be friends?.." The bluefish felt his cheeks getting hotter, curse his shyness!

The twins looked conflicted and looked at eachother for a moment, but the younger seemingly fiesty twin agreed excitedly.

"Mm.. Alright!-" The younger twin said, and continued-

"-My name is Floyd Leech by the way! and this is Jade!"

"Uhm.. I'm [name] [lastname].." The h/cnette responded, still shocked that he made friends that easily, but the bluefish still knew that he hadn't gained his new found friends's full trust yet. he expected this.

"Well, Nice to meet you, Bluefish-Kun! we also have another friend that we want to introduce you!" Floyd grinned, quickly running to the pot [name] had seen earlier.

Floyd tried to pull out something in the Pot, while Jade went to assist his twin after.

finally, the bluefish has seen the other friend the Leech twin's were talking about.

The friend was a cute, chubby octopus.

"This is Azul!" Floyd introuduced the octopus.

Azul's face was all getting the vibe ‘ He's gonna bully me 'cause im chubby isn't he?’ .

"Nice to meet you, Azul..!" [name] said, wanting to lighten up Azul's vibe a bit.

Azul looked surprised for a minute, seemingly shocked that the bluefish hadn't bullied him at first glance.

But it seems that wasn't enough to break Azul's guard down though.

"..yes.. i-its nice to meet you too.." Azul said shyly, inking some ink out of nervousness.

Azul seemed to noticed this, and looked back out of panick, he seemed close to crying right now.

"..おい、おい.. why are you so close to crying, Azul? it's just some ink.." The bluefish questioned, patting Azul's shoulder.

".. B-because.. Y-you'll bully me just like the other merboys..-! b..because im chubby and i spread ink..! w..wah..." Azul teared up, tears dropping from his cute eyes.

"Why would i bully you..? i mean your chubbiness makes you more cute and spreading ink is natural since your an octopus." [name] said, patting the octopus's hair.

"..Cute..?" Azul repeated, a red blush tinting his face.

"Yeah cute. your the cutest octopus I've ever met!" [name] cooed.

That made Azul blush even more.

While the Leech twins felt like they were being ignored, despite the h/cnette asking them to be his friends first.

The younger leech twin, Floyd, pouted.

While, the other, Jade sighed.

..that was their first meeting together.

And they cherished that moment till the very end.

Don't worry none of them died.

Don't worry none of them died

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« “ Alright! But Azul's apart of our friend group aswell!” »


Words; 778


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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