Chapter 6: Harsh deserving

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This story will contain different P.O.Vs.

Third person P.O.V

How can they express what hitted them? Like a train, it thrashed them to ground. How cruel fate could be sometimes.

Knowingly, unknowingly the cup which got in Anandi's hand was the one which truly belonged to her. His cup.

Anandi blinked away the tears which were blurring her vision and once again settled her gaze on the ground.

Instantly some kind of sweetness spread on her tastebuds when she took a sip of her cup.

Well it was enough for her to realize her 'mistake'.

A rather sweet mistake, which she had commited many a times before. But today it happened to be sour. On the other hand, Abeer stared blankly at the steam coming out of the cups. How will he be able to ever mend those broken things, he didn't knew, and he feared that he will never be able to know.

That Anandi, in whose hands he merrily placed his heart into many years ago. Who still has it it and will forever own it. How will he ever be able to win her back in his life?

How difficult it is for him to see her smile dying on her lips everytime she layed her eyes on his countenance and not cry. How impossible it is for him to see her plastering a fake smile on her lips all the time and blinking away those tears which threatened to come out of her eyes due to his mere presence.

At dine, Anandi kept on swirling the fork in her hand. She didn't dare to eat. Abeer kept doing his fakeplay of going to eat. He didn't dare to eat when she's left hungry.

"Why aren't you eating Mr. Chakravarthy?"

The voice of a colleague brought him out of his reverie.

" friend. It's just that, I'm not feeling like eating"
He stammered and drifted his eyes on Anandi, who was sitting silently, as if lifeless. If she was not there in front of everyone's direct view can no one tell that she really is present amidst them. So unacceptably quite she was, so unbearably down she was. Abeer's heart stinged at her this state. He wished to go run, take her into his arms and carry her home all the way clearing away all the misunderstandings without any hesitation and concern of the consequences. He desperately wished to do so. But it was not possible, or maybe atleast for now.

The party got over finally. All the officers gathered outside.

How strange it was that at the end only Abeer and Anandi were the two souls who were still left in the dense dark even after everyone had departed. The pin drop silence, two of their cars parked side by side with a small distance in between them, the cover of lightlessness around them with only a single feeble streetlamp above and the soft sound of the gusting winds was all which accompanied them other than each other. No one dared to make any move, neither physically nor verbally.

Any flow of oxygen was profoundly knocked out of Abeer's lungs. His eyes were roaming here and there impatiently while his hands fidgeted nervously with the cuffs of his shirt. Gulping hundreds of times he thought of ways to get this opportunity to use, to go and have words with the love of his life who stood there misunderstood in no better condition than him.

The way Anandi's head was spinning was non explainable from her side. Because according to her in no sense this tall, dark, featured man with contagious smile and lovely eyes owned any scrap of place in her life or heart or mind, neither he was anyone with whom she have had any connection or relation or anyone whom she even ever knew doesn't posses any right to effect her in any possible way. Clutching her small purse in her hand and stepping towards her car with a slight frown marring her forehead she didn't find it in herself to even spare a glance at the other person who was adamant of not leaving her alone in such dark. Seeing the opportunity slipping from his hand Abeer's eyes flicked momentarily as without thinking once his voice called out to her.


Anandi halted in her pursuit of the seat of her car, her hand stopping at its handle. Her eyes widened cause it was the least she expected and maybe the least she wished to happen.

"A..Anandi, wait a s..sec"

Abeer stumbled upon his words, his hand frozen midway in the the air which seemed like an attempt action to make her stop on her tracks. His fist locked and unlocked apprehensively. But his intrusion didn't work. Anandi settled herself in the driver seat of her car and started its engine in the blink of an eye.
And the next moment she drove away from in front of his broken eyes which now had got themselves covered with a sheen coat of wetness at this hurtful action.

"Anandi!" He called as a last attempt but the reply he got back was the dreaded silence of his surroundings.


"He deserved it", muttered Anandi under her breadth furiously driving away towards her house, her own eyes glistening with tears at her harshness and redness of her wrath.


"I deserved it", mumbled Abeer shakingly standing forlorn as tears rolled down his face and fell on the ground like raindrops. His eyes still searched for her withdrawing silhouette or hopped of her reappearance which denied him any movement from his spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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