✦ { Ananas } Of Moons and Blood

217 6 3

Reviewer: rebecca_batteur

Client: xostardustx


I think your cover is truly sublime, it looks exactly like what you would expect from a publishedbook and offers very pleasing imagery to the eye. It looks professional, in my opinion. Inaddition, it hides a set of very interesting details to notice as you read, which are ultimately veryimportant in the story. First, the blood moon in the sky. It appears to be the combination of thetwo elements of the title, "Moon" and "Blood", because of its scarlet color. But there is also morebehind it. We can perhaps assume that it symbolizes the Moonborns, or Calypso's family and thebonds she shares with them, or perhaps even the massacres carried out by Calypso's father usinghis magic of Moon. It could be a sort of warning, of the blood that inevitably comes with themagic of the Moon, of the threat that these people represent. There's a lot to interpret there. Ialso notice all these floating glitters which seem to symbolize the magic that Calypso glimpsedwhen using star magic for the first time. The blue-colored leaf is also intriguing. It reminds me ofthe tree that Calypso discovers on the island, which turned blue because of the magic stolen fromthe Moonborns that it has accumulated. I think it's a very well-found reference and it gives thebook a certain power to discover afterward all the preparation that went into the cover. I canfinally notice that the font used for the title and the author's name is very pleasant and fitsperfectly with the fantasy tone used in this story. Everything forms a very beautiful harmony, agray frame on which the title stands out well, as well as the red moon and the blue leaf, puttingthese elements well forward.


The title seems very poetic and well thought out. Again, I can only speculate on this but simplythe fact that I can hypothesize without quite finding an exact answer is indicative of the qualityof the work. The presence of the term Moon is obvious, it is linked to the magic of the Moon, tothe people of Calypso and her family. The term Blood leaves a little more to discover. I supposeit's because the story focuses on blood ties, between Calypso and her family, but also the bloodthat has flowed in the past, that of her people, that of the Starborns, of humans, and the Sunborns.The themes of the story indeed revolve a lot around the blood that was shed, and the violencethat was unleashed, but also around the Moonborns and the influence and place of the Moon inall of this. The wording of the title is also pleasant to the ear and sounds very good, I find thatplacing the "Of" at the beginning gives breadth to the title.


This blurb is very interesting in several ways and allows you to begin your immersion in thestory well. I only noticed minor errors that were difficult to find. First of all, in the last sentenceof the first paragraph, instead of writing "takes on the magic left behind from their dead brothersand sisters", I would advise instead using "takes on the magic left behind by their dead brothersand sisters". In the first sentence of the second paragraph, there is also an error regarding the verband the pronoun used, instead of saying "eldest brother becomes of age, her and her siblings",you should write "eldest brother comes of age, she and her siblings". Apart from these fewmistakes, this summary works very well given that it first introduces the general context of theworld and gives the crucial information that will guide the reader in just a few sentences. First,that the story takes place in a world that has suffered great destruction, and then that it is nowruled by the Van Blake dynasty. We also learn the name of the leader who will play a veryimportant role later in history, we also get the idea that this leader is not any sovereign but rathera kind of dictator or tyrant with terrible influence on the territory he owns, capable of decidingthe life and death of his subjects. Immediately, the phenomenal authority that Alberich Van Blakewill hold is established and we feel its magnitude. This summary also has the function ofintroducing us to the ritual which will provoke the entire plot and play the role of trigger, theMoon Gathering. This element also seems consistent with the authoritarian society that ishighlighted in the opening lines. We easily understand the objective of this ceremony, as well asthe issues behind it when we realize that the main character must participate in it. We alsodiscover some of the future adventures, as well as clues to the rest of the plot, such as the arrival ofthe whole family on the island, and the discovery of dark secrets, such as the true violence ofCalypso's father, as well as her true nature as a Starborn and the possible love she will experiencewith Maddox. The final question sets up the last issue, showing to what extent the main characterwill subsequently evolve as well as the great dilemma which will torment her. For me, thissummary is perfect for the story, since it begins with a contextualization necessary forunderstanding before focusing on the character that we will follow throughout the entire book. 

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