What Happened in the Lust Ring (oneshot)

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Blitz did NOT agree to this. Ever since he and Fizz made up, and soon after, he and Stolas decided to try out a real serious relationship, Fizz has been trying to get them to go on a double date with him and Asmodeus. Unfortunately, the day has come. Fizz mentioned the idea to Ozzie. Ozzie mentioned it to Stolas. Then, of course, Stolas went right behind Blitz's back and planned the double date. Because Stolas is a hopeless romantic. A horny hopeless romantic, sure, but disgustingly romantic and mostly hopeless.

Now he and the owl were walking the short distance from I.M.P headquarters to a small burger place in the Pride Ring. It wasn't hard for Blitz to convince Fizzarolli to go for a small, simple fast food place. Once he suggested burgers, Fizz found a place in the Pride Ring and Ozzie reserved the entire restaurant. Ozzie gave Fizz whatever he wanted, Fizz loved burgers, Stolas was just glad to go on a real date, and Blitz got to keep things casual. If Stolas planned the outing, they'd be going to dinner somewhere really fancy. Instead they're going to lunch, and if Blitz needs an excuse to leave, he can just say he needs to go back to work. Leaving Moxxie in charge is a good enough excuse for possible disasters anyway.

And even though they were just going out to lunch, Stolas was wearing a dark pink velvet mini skirt and a bedazzled black corset. Blitz couldn't decide whether it was sexy or embarrassing. He was focusing on the sexy part. After some long, well needed conversations, he realized that Stolas was going to do his own thing. That meant Blitz got to do his own thing as well. He wasn't very familiar with this kind of compromise. It was kinda freeing.

The new couple entered the little burger shop. Amidst a bunch of empty tables, Fizz and Ozzie were sitting across from each other in a booth. Fizz waves them down, extending his arm high.

"Blitz! Birdy! Hey guys!" Fizz yells.

"Do any of your friends know my name, Blitzy?" Stolas asks Blitz softly while giving the other couple a small smile and wave. The two walk over to the booth. Blitz actually hasn't ever heard Moxxie, Millie or Loona say Stolas' name. Maybe they've been closer than he thought this whole time.

"Ahhh! It's great to see you!" Fizz pulls Blitz into a tight hug, wrapping him up in his arms multiple times. Fizz has been obviously happier ever since he quit working for Mammon. He's been relaxing with Ozzie, doing his own thing. Now he gets to perform as the MC at Ozzie's club whenever he wants. If there are weirdos or creeps, he can take a few days off. There's no more obligation to keep up appearances. He can perform how he likes, whenever he likes. His new demeanor reminded Blitz of Fizz at his prime in the circus. He couldn't help but let himself smile and hug him back. Stolas and Ozzie exchanged hellos, touches on their arms, and soft smiles. Blitz was still amazed how Stolas could be both obnoxiously confident and quiet and shy sometimes just minutes apart from each other.

Stolas sits next to Ozzie, Blitz sits next to Fizz. There were already four big greasy burgers and four piles of fries in baskets sitting at each spot at the table. Fizz has already finished half of his. He takes another huge bite and talks with his mouth full.

"So," he says, "How have you guys been?"

A silence falls among the group. It's already awkward. Great. Stolas tries to pop in.

"Oh," Stolas laughs softly, "We've been good. A lot better, actually."

Oh Satan, we're already getting sappy. Blitz had to stop this from getting worse.

"Ah, forget about us," Blitz brushes it away quickly, "How about you two? You're free to do whatever now, Fizz. You two getting down and dirty everywhere and anywhere?"

"You really know us well, huh, Blitz," Ozzie laughs.

Blitz smirks, "Yeah, well, Fizz has always been like that. He may look cute and innocent on the outside, but he's always, you know, 'down to clown'."

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