Blood-stained page

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Fiore has a breakdown while writing in her journal after voting out Alec.

Fiore was always good at hiding her emotions. Maybe a little too good.

"I really liked you Alec, and that's dangerous, because feelings are for weak people".

Fiore knew that Alec was going to betray her. He had called her a weak little girl who would be easy to beat during lunch. Right? Yes. Alec was going to betray her just like everyone else and she betrayed him first. She did the right thing, right?

She cried later that night, hiding in the bathroom the hosts has recently installed. She wrote down her feelings in her journal.

She stopped writing and curled up in a ball and cried. Because what else was she supposed to do? She had ruined her relationship with the only person who cared about her. She was alone.

Her eyes were blurry and wet with tears, making her vision wobbly. She attempted to write down on the paper again, crying was for weak people and she knew she needed to make another plan to take down the ginger and the old woman.

She froze in place when her wrist started to sting. The ruby colored liquid catching her attention as it spilled out of the small wound. She realized she had accidentally cut her wrist while trying to write on the paper, her blurry vision causing her to mistake her wrist for the paper.

The wound wasn't THAT big, it was a small cut from the sharpened tip of the pencil. But it was still bleeding.

The wound centered her, as she'd come to realize. It took her attention away from her issues, and her mother who couldn't give less of a shit about her, and her ruined relationship with Alec. So she did it again. She brought the tip of her pencil to her skin again, and sliced the skin.

The pain brought her back down to earth. So she did it again. And again. And-

"Fuck" Fiore silently cursed as the blood dripped onto the page of her notebook. Staining the page. She looked at her wrist, covered in scars. She whispered another curse to herself as she stood up and approached the sink.

She placed her wrist under the faucet and let the water run down her wounds as the blood washed away. Staining the water red as it went down the drain.

She closed up her notebook and placed it in the pocket of her overalls. She glared at the pencil, the wood around the tip was stained red and it smudged the ground it rolled onto.

She picked up the pencil and put it in the pocket with the notebook.

Fiore glared at the wounds again, oh well. Boo-fucking hoo. She cut her wrists a little bit, she'd survive. The scars would heal before the finale. She stared the wounds down again before shrugging and walking in the direction of the cabin. Feelings where for weak people anyways, right?

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