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chris stood in the locker room, changing into his uniform and talking with matt. his brother was busy gushing over ruby and how cool she was, and chris was actually really happy to hear it, but his attention switched when he heard two guys - dylan and josh - talking about the girls on the team.

more specifically, one girl on the team.

''makayla's hot, bro. have you seen her running around the field in that short little skirt? her ass is basically on show.'' dylan laughed.

''i know - i think she does it on purpose.'' josh grinned.

''facts. i'd definietely give her a go.''

chris stepped forward angrily, ready to beat that guys ass, but matt put his hand on his arm, pulling him back slightly.

 ''don't.'' matt said in a low voice.

''they're talking shit about kayla!'' he whisper-yelled.

''i know, chris, but is defending her worth being hated by the entire team?'' matt asked. ''i love makayla, and they're pissing me off, but it's just words.''

he took his brother's words into consideration, nodding slowly. ''yeah. yeah, you're right.''

matt smiled lightly before turning his back to chris as he tied his shoe laces. chris tried to drown out the conversation, thinking of anything else, but he couldn't help himself. he tuned back into the conversation, listening intently.

''...i saw her at jack's party - she was practically wearing nothing.''

''i just know she is easy.''

''yo!'' chris yelled angrily. ''don't talk about makayla like that!''

''why?'' dylan grinned. ''you want a go with her, sturniolo?''

''don't be fucking disgusting. she's apart of the team, don't talk about her like that.''

he laughed. ''calm down. if you want her, you can just ask.''

''shut the fuck up!'' chris yelled. ''or i will make you shut up!''

''you think i'm scared of you?'' dylan scoffed.

''why are you so bothered about makayla?'' josh asked with a smirk. ''you fucking her or something?''

''let it go, guys.'' matt snapped. ''makayla is one of our best friends - shut up about her.''

''why would you be friends with her? i don't even know her but i just know she's a slu-''

dylan's words were cut off by chris throwing a punch. the boy punched him back, and chris leapt forward, the two of them falling to the floor. the brunette boy put up a good fight, but dylan was taller and stronger, and it was beginning to look like he was going to win.

matt really didn't want to fight, but he was already jumping in to defend chris before he thought too deeply about it. he managed to pull dylan away from his brother for a few moments before he elbowed him and ran back to chris. 

''HEY!'' the coach's voice suddenly yelled, rushing over to the two boys and pulling them apart. ''what are you doing?!''

the coach looked around for a response, but none of the boys answered. chris' nose was bleeding, and his eye was already turning a shade of purple. dylan's lip was swollen, but it was clear he wasn't as hurt as chris. 

''there is NO fighting, do you hear me?!'' the coach yelled. ''if shit like this happens again, i'll kick you both off the team! understand?!''

''yes, coach.'' both boys murmured.

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now