Thats a lot of blood

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RUSSIA 1995                              

"Pacer, it's time for a new mission!!" my boss shouts while two of his men carry me out of freeze. It's the first time since i got out after my tests went succesfull. i get set down in a chair with a man beside me, i can't make out his fetures but i can see that he has a metal arm. " You are going on a mission, we're helping the Red Room take two girls in their custody. This is a surveillance mission, so only if things get critical you can interract. " My boss ends his speech while i'm tying to make contact with the man beside me but he keeps staring off in the distance.  "soldier be nice and make contact ith you're partner."my boss leaves the room and the man turns to me with a friendly smile. " Hey i'm bucky nice to meet you, i just need to know what you're specialties are so we know what to do in a bad situation." i shake is hand with a confused look on my face, just asecond ago he looked like he wanted to kill my boss just as much as me. " Hey i'm Y/N, nice to meet you to" we worked on the mission plan and turns out he is a really chill guy. Eventually we where called to suit up as our mission just started.

OHIO 1995

"Shit shit, Buck i lost  sight of the teenager!" i am currently running on some rooftops trying to find any glimpse of the blue headed girl. "don't worry i just saw her enter the house." "Сука, coudn't you tell me that earlier?" at this point i'm very tired we haven't slept in days and the food is also well, it's food. "Just go back to lookout i'll meet you there." When buck told me how he got with HYDRA it reminded me of how i got there, well except I didn't fall out of a train and just got kidnapped after HYDRA heard that my brother was working against them. While running back to the lookout i trip over something and land straight on my face, just when i want to turn around i get hit in my head.

i just woke up and i am tied up around a tree and guess what, the girl that i was looking for was right in front of me. " Who are you, and why are you following me?" The girl finally speaks up after creepily stairing at me for like 10 minutes. " I think you know exactly why i am following you." I reply with a smirk trying to look as unbothered as possible knowing i am in deep shit right now. " you're HYDRA aren't you?" the girl just looks sad at me. " you are bringing me back right...?" She added, knowing that if i say anything im in more shit than i am now. This is my first mission after being in freeze for more than 50 years, and if what buck said is true about getting tortured worse than when they tested on me i don't think im getting out alive if im honest. " are you going to answer me or what?" The girl hissed, pulling me out of my thoughts. " sorry can't answer anything." I reply with as cold as possible. " how old are you?" The girl tries again. " older than you think, now let me go!" To be honest it's really shit if you still look like a kid while your actually like 60 or something. " only if you tell me you're name." " only if you tell me yours to." The girl tildes her head slightly and then loosened the rope that held me to a tree second ago. " im Natasha Romanoff." She stuck her hand out for me to take wich i do. " im Y/N and i have to go, bot that nice meeting you." She tried to say something but i was already gone, sometimes it's nice having super speed as an trained assassin. Gets the killing done fast. But is bad when there are trip wires wich gets you kipnapped by little girl assassins.

When i get back to the lookout i feel really dizzy and have a pounding headache, just as i rub the back of my head my hand gets wet and when i look at it its covered in blood. That Natasha gril must have bonked my head to hard against the tree. Just in time bucky comes running to me with an angered expression, I really dont have time for this. He opend his mouth trying to say something bit everything goes black.


I wake up by the sound of people screaming and i know exactly where i am, as i am takin in my surroundings hoping i am wrong, turns out i am not. " good morning Pacer you kn-" before he can finish his sentence I interrupt him. " thats not my name." I hissed at him, i hate that name it was given to me when my powers worked. " oh.. but it is now, you know you disappointed me really I thought you where tougher than this. Really getting knocked out by a child assassin, thats not what i like to see." The man had a slight German accent and a stern look on his face. " what are you going to do to me?" I asked the man, he dint answer right away and just started laughing. " didn't you're soldier friend tell you anything what happens to you if you fail or disappoint us, well i guess you'll have to find out."

Hey guys this is my first story i hope you guys will like it this part is a little shorter than i want to make the other parts, but this one is fully focused on Y/N meeting natasha <<3

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