Chapter 12

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The students recovered from their injuries in days after the sports festival ended, and then classes started back up. During that time; the flower shop got more customers wanting to see Shinso and Nami. It was raining the morning they returned the school. In her rain gear, Nami was skipping up to the school, making sure to splash in every puddle possible.

"Nami," said Hitoshi avoiding a splash. "You are getting people wet."

Nami looked up at him. "Not only is this a hero school, but it's also a high school, getting splashed with water should be the least of anyone's worries." Hitoshi shook his head. In no time, they went to their separate classrooms.

"It's so weird that people recognize us from TV," smiled Ashido. "Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here!"

"Yeah! Me too!" chimed Kirishima pointing at himself.

"The flower shop was busier than usual because of it!" said Nami. "Mom kept getting frustrated that customers kept talking to me distracting me from work."

"People on the street were staring at me!" said Hagakure. "It was kind of embarrassing."

"Sure, but isn't that pretty normal for you?" Ojiro.

"You won't believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me," groaned Sero in annoyance. 

"Nice try?" guessed Tsu. Sero groaned turning away from them.

"All it took was one sports festival and suddenly we're like celebrities," cheered Kaminari.

"This school is really amazing," gushed Mineta. The door slid open, they hurried into their seats.

"Morning," greeted Mr. Aizawa.

"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa," everyone greeted. He slowly walked over to the podium.

"Ribbit," breathed Tsu putting a finger to her face. "Mr. Aizawa, you don't have bandages anymore. "That's good news."

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment," revealed Aizawa. "Anyway. We have a big class today on Hero Informatics."

'Oh no,' the students thought with dread.

'I bet it has something to do with CPR,' Nami thought to herself.

"You need codenames," revealed Aizawa. "Time to pick your hero identities." The class mood changed instantly.

'This is gonna be totally awesome!' everyone cheered. His eyes glowed red and everyone sat down. "Shhh."

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together," explained Aizawa. "Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year actually, but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any others can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation, though." Nami could hear Mineta shaking from behind her.

Mineta hit the desk. "Stupid, selfish adults."

"So, what you're saying is, we'll still have to prove ourselves after we've gotten recruited," said Hagakure.

"Correct," said Aizawa.

'That means pros wanna see up close how the class of 1-a is, the class that survived a villain attack.' Nami thought to herself.

"Now. here are the totals for those of you who got offers," said Aizawsa, he pressed a clicker.

A list appeared for them all to see. 

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