I Was Five, You Were 4.

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Little five year old Heeseung arrived home Sunday evening after playing soccer with some friends down the street. His mama told him he had to be back in time for dinner and little Heeseung knew his mama always cooked dinner at exactly seven o'clock.

The fresh smell of Kimchi and Rice hit his nose making his little stomach growl. "Mama! I'm home!" Heeseung said as he waddled his way to the kitchen where his daddy and mama were cooking.

"Don't you dare, Lee Heeseung!" His father exclaimed making Heeseung jump a bit. "What's wrong, Daddy?" He said as he placed his small hands on the wall. "We are busy, can't you see that? I don't need you running around in the kitchen distracting me from cooking." He said and Heeseung frowned a bit. His daddy was always mean.

"Honey, don't yell at the kid, I'm sure he just wants to see what we are doing" his mama tried reasoning but his daddy seemed to not listen. "Heeseung, why don't you go next door and ask Mrs. Sim if you can play with Jake? I'll have your mother come get you when we finish." He said, not even looking at his son.

"Okay Daddy." Heeseung said, taking a few seconds to sniff the air before walking back to the front door. "Bye Mama! Bye daddy!" He said and left out the door, closing it gently behind him.

Walking across the pathway to the Sim's House, Heeseung spotted a pretty purple flower. He gasped in delight and squatted down to carefully pick the flower, holding it like a fragile object in his hands as to not ruin the pretty petals.

Heeseung grinned and walked to the front door and stopped. Who should he give the flower to? Maybe ma'am or Jakey? With much thought put into it, he decided to give it to his best friend Jakey and he could find a prettier flower for Ma'am!

Heeseung knocked on the door specifically four times and waited patiently as he heard a dog barking, then the door opening. "Hi ma'am! I wanted to know if I please play with Jakey? My daddy said he's cooking and will have Mama get me when I'm done!" He said with a toothless grin.

Mrs. Sim smiled adoringly at Heeseung, "of course you can, sweetie. Jakey is taking a bath right now but if you wanna wait on the couch, he should be out soon!" She said and heeseung nodded fast. When she moved out of the way, heeseung stepped inside and took his shoes off out of respect.

He walked over to the couch happily and sat down with the flower in his hand. "What do you have there, Heeseung?" Mrs. Sim asked as she closed the door, noticing the flower in Heeseung's hand. He looked at her and grinned again. "Its a flower for Jakey, ma'am! I was having a hard time thinking cause I wanted to give it to you but Jakey is a really nice friend so I wanted to give it to him and give you a prettier flower instead!" He rambled on.

Mrs. Sim smiled widely and patted Heeseung's head, "you are so sweet, I'm sure Jake would love it." She said softly. "I'm gonna go check on Jake and I'll send him down when I know he's done!" She said and left upstairs.

Heeseung looked around, he liked it here at the Sim's house. Everything was all clean and organized and they were a lot nicer than his daddy. Heeseung swung his legs back and forth until Jake came running downstairs. "Heeseungie!" He said and jumped onto his friend to give him a hug.

Heeseung shrieked and let out a fit of giggles, hugging his best friend of course without damaging the flower. "I got you a surprise!" Heeseung said and jake got off of heeseung, sitting beside him. "What is it?" He said and looked down at the flower given to him. Jake gasped and his eyes sparkled. "No way!" He said in English, his thick Australian accent said boldly.

"Wanna come to my room?" He said and heeseung thought about it before nodding. Both boys running upstairs into Jakes room.

Jake put the flower on top of his dresser right in front of his TV. Heeseung sat on Jakes floor right in front of his toy box and Jake joined him shortly after. "Because you are such a nice friend and gave me a flower, I'm gonna give you my...car!" He said and took a car from his dresser drawer behind him. It was his most favorite car but he knew Heeseung would take good care of it.

Heeseung looked at Jake with shock, carefully taking it in his hands. "Really? I can have it?" He said quietly, Jake nodded fast. "Of course!" He said and heeseung hugged his dearest friend.


Heeseung lost track of time while Jake showed him his soccer card collection. A knock was at Jake's door and his mother poked her head inside. "Hi boys, I'm sorry to ruin the fun but heeseung has to go home and eat. His mom's waiting for him." She said with a sad smile. Heeseung visibly deflated but he knew he can't misbehave. Daddy said big boys don't throw tantrums....whatever that is.

Heeseung looked at Jake with a frown and leaned in to give him a hug. "I'm sorry, Jakey. Maybe we can play at school tomorrow??" He said and Jake nodded fast. Heeseung got up and walked out, Mrs. Sim and Jake following behind him where he saw his mama downstairs.

"Hi honey, I'm sorry for the trouble, Mrs. Sim" she said and heeseung walked to her, clinging at her side. "Its really nothing. He's a well-behaved boy. It was nice having him here. Send him over any time you want." She said and his mama smiled.

She took his hand and waved goodbye, heeseung doing the same to Jakey and his mom before leaving. "Your father isn't really happy right now, something happened at work so just be a good boy and listen to what he says." His mama said as they stepped inside. Dinner was waiting on the table with his dad sitting in his spot with his head in his hands.

Heeseung went to the table and sat down in his seat, the air felt uncomfy and his mom looked scared but she smiled anyway. "Alright" she started and delivered food to her, his, and his daddy's plates.

Heeseung looked at his daddy and mama, not liking the silence. "Jakey gave me his favorite car cause I gave him a flower." He said and showed the car. He put it on the table and his mother hummed. "Does it drive nicely?" She said and heeseung shrugged. "Why don't you test it out but not on the-" she started and stopped. The car driving forward then curved right onto his daddy's fork in his bowl, causing the kimchi to get in his perfectly white T-shirt.

His mom surely looked scared now. A slam was heard causing the moth of them to jump, heeseung looked over to see his fathers hands in fists, on the table and his face red. "God heeseung!" He shouted and pushed the toy roughly off the table as it clambered to the ground. "No!" Heeseung exclaimed and went to get up.

"Don't you dare get off that chair until you finished your food. Eat first. And no more toys on the table!!" He shouted. Heeseung flinched and looked down, eating his food with a Shakey little hand.  It was silent after that.

He missed Jake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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