~*Happy New Year*~

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New Year's Day, the first dawn of the year. A time of renewal and fresh starts. The moment when we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new...by celebrating with those we care for the most.

"Stang, that sun's bright", Anakin grumbled, throwing an arm over his eyes. Reaching out with his free hand, he ungracefully closed the curtains.

Laying there in the semi-darkness, Ani tried to clear the sleepy fog from his mind. Memories of finishing off the rest of the champagne and cuddling with you on your couch came flooding back. He smiled fondly at that. What happened afterwards...the two of you must have dozed off together. But, if that was the case, why was he in his bed all by his lonesome.

"Hatari," he sadly sighed. "Wish you were here."

Just then, he felt something moving beside him. Accompanied by a small voice mumbling, "'M here."

A wave of relief and joy washed over Anakin. Slowly he pulled back the blankets to reveal...

You curled up in a ball, peacefully snoozing away.

Grinning ear-to-ear, Ani kissed you gently on the top of your head. "Stay put," he whispered. "I'll be right back."

Carefully he slid out of the bed, trying his best not to wake you, and snuck off to his and Obi-Wan's kitchenette. Hoping to not bump into his master, because it was too early for a lecture. Plus, he would never live down being caught in those long, fuzzy socks of yours.


Thankfully, Obi-Wan was nowhere to be found. Just a note that said he was glad Anakin made it back safely and that he was going to be meeting with the council for most of the day. He would join Ani and you at the festival later. To behave yourselves in the meantime.

Anakin laughed and rolled his eyes at the last part.

Grateful that his master wasn't upset with him, Ani returned to his room with two mugs of piping hot caf. The perfect thing for a cold morning in bed.

Setting the drinks down on his nightstand, he eased himself back into bed. Trying his best to not jostle you too much. You, who was currently spooning his pillow.

Brushing the hair out of your face, he chuckled softly. "Hey, wouldn't you rather have the real thing instead?"

Nodding sleepily in response, Anakin quickly made the switch and burrowed underneath the covers. With you immediately snuggling up to him and he wrapping his arms around you.

"Good morning, my handsome devil," you mumbled, nuzzling your head against his chest.

"Morning, my beautiful angel. Happy New Year."

A sweet smile crossed your face. "Happy New Year. I -" Pausing a moment, your eyes opened a crack, and you gave the air a little sniff. "Do I smell coffee?"

"Sure do," he hummed, gently rubbing your back. "Made it special just for you."

You made a tiny happy noise and kissed the underside of his chin. "You too good to me."

"Anything for you, only the best," he muttered, handing you your caf.

"So cheesy," you giggle, giving his braid a playful tug.

"Yeah, yeah," Ani said teasingly. "Now tell me, Ms. Padawan from Earth, what would you like to do today?"

You pretended to think for a second or two, before declaring lazily. "Stay in bed as long as possible."

"Can do," he said, booping you on the nose. "And later on, we can go check out the New Year's Fete with Obi-Wan."

"New Year's Fete?" You asked, taking a small sip from your mug. "What's that?"

His eyes twinkled with excitement. "It's a five-day festival that celebrates the new year. There are all sorts of games, live music, different types of food... Oh, and fireworks at the end of every night!"

"That sounds perfect to me," you sigh contently. Burying your face into the crook oh his neck, you whisper a soft... "Love you."

"Love you too." Pulling you in extra close, Anakin rested his head on top of yours.

And, as both of you fell into comfortable silence, the jedi holocron shinned brightly on a nearby shelf...tucked amongst all of Ani's most precious possessions.

A New Good Time *Part 3* (Anakin x RealWorldReader)Where stories live. Discover now