Plane flights and hotel rooms.

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I dragged my huge luggage bag out of the boot of the taxi, and pulled my suitcase behind me.
Me, Kate and Amber are about to board the flight to vegas, where we will spend a month living in a cheap hotel and partying almost every night. Any girls dream. My girls followed behind me, leaving the car in the dust as we ran to board our plane.

Just catching it on time we handed our things to the attendants and went to our seats, all huddled up in the same row.
"Im so excited to get there, im absolutely shattered!" Sighed katie fixing her dark black hair and looking at her reflection on the window.
"It'll be about 6am when we get there Katie." Said Amber, in the most tired voice I've ever heard.
A boy, a messy haired boy, the sound of slots, my girls, shouting, screams, awake.
I have these dreams sometimes, sometimes they come true,sometimes they don't but i never remember them. Just little bits of them, and its always blurry.
"JASMINE WE'RE IN VEGASSSS" shouted the girls in the same tone.
I sprung up and checked the time, then turned to look out the window, yup, were in Las Vegas all right.
I smiled and we all got off the plane and collected our stuff.
We walked out front and jumped into a near taxi.
"Tuscany suites please." I smiled at the man.
"You guys aren't from here are you?" He chuckled at our unfamiliar accents.
"No actually, ambers from Ireland, thats the redhead." I laughed as she smacked me.
"And katie and me are both from Edinburgh in Scotland." I smiled as we turned a corner.
"Didn't think you were from around here, could tell the minute you got in!" He smiled back at me.

Soon enough we were pulling up outside the hotel. I payed the man, "keep my number, you'll need it sometime." He smirked and drove off.
"Creep." Said katie in disgust.
"Freak." I said flinging my arms around my girls and smiling up at the hotel.
We strolled in with our stuff through the sliding glass doors and walked along the deep red carpet to the counter.
"Hello how may i help?" Smiled the old lady across the top of her computer screen.
"Room for three? Under McGaughen?" Asked amber dropping her stuff to the floor and sitting on the desk.
"Please get off my desk dear." Smiled the lady, never looking up from her screen, like she was used to people doing these sort of things.
"Oh sorry, I'm tired." Moaned my best friend removing herself from the desk and flopping onto the soft floor.
"Ah yes, I've found you, floor three ,room 212." She smiled handing me three sets of keys for the room,
"I suppose you'll all need a key." She said pushing her glasses up and returning to her seat.
"Thank you." I grinned helping amber off the floor and heading to the elevator again followed by my best friends.
We all dragged our stuff around until we found our room.

"Hey the only non-single person here is katie!" I smiled as we all lay flopped on our chosen beds, our suitcases in a scatter on the floor.
"I don't wanna get caught up in any creepy old mans life on holiday!" Said amber very seriously sitting up.
"Tea?" She asked walking over to the desk with a kettle and cups.
"Please." I almost whispered. "I mean, i don't fancy being a old mans dolly every night.." I said returning to the boy subject, "but i could however, do with getting myself some cute new 'boo thangs' " i laughed putting my pillows up against the head board and sitting back against them.
"Maybe you could get a super rich new boy." Winked katie.
"Or lots, of super rich new boys." I winked back at her, and all of us erupted into crazy laughter for just a moment.
Amber brought me my tea and we all gathered on the couch with a blanket to see what movies were on.

I woke up to someone thumping loudly on the door.
"What the fuck." i groaned.
"Who is it?" I asked peeping through the door.
"Room service."
"Do you know how early it is?!" I exclaimed yanking the door open.
"Madam its half three in the afternoon." She laughed showing me her watch.
"Oh my god." I snapped out of my sleep.
"GET UP GUYS" i shouted at the girls switching on the lights.
"Its half three in the afternoon and we got things to do." I said throwing a pillow at her.
Slowly we all crawled to life and let the cleaner do her thing, hitting the pool downstairs out the back of the hotel.

I lay my towel out across a lounge chair and the girls grabbed the ones next to me.
I put my sunglasses on and almost fell asleep until i heard an unfamiliar voice.
"Hey gorgeous."
I pulled my sunglasses up off my face and looked around.
There was a boy standing at the bar trying to speak to the girl behind the counter, who wasn't taking him on.
" haha look at him" laughed katie a little too loudly and he shot her a glare.
"Oops" she whispered standing from her seat, she dropped her gown, showing off her gorgeous figure and bright bikini on her tanned skin. She sat on the edge of the pool and slipped in.
The boy toddled into the pool after her and immediately started up a conversation.
I moved onto Katie's seat to get closer to amber,
"Shall we leave her here and go get ready for dinner and casinos?"
"I believe we shall." Smiled katie flicking her bright hair as she got to her feet.
"Drop her a text and tell her we're getting ready." I smiled at Amber as we got into the elevator.
"On it!" She smiled pulling her iPhone from her shorts pocket.
We got to the room and i unlocked the door, seeing the incredibly clean room left behind.
I walked into the bathroom.
"So do you want the shower, the shower, or the jacuzzi?" I said slowly.
"What?!" Said amber rushing to see.
The bathroom was incredibly big,
And included two showers side by side, a large jacuzzi styled bath, a fancy sink and toilet, and a whole wall of mirror.
"I love this place." Smiled katie.

*this is just a short para, the next one wont be this short, i just wanna get it out there and make sure the next one is good and long*
Iamahuman_ Xoxo

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