Chapter 1(Last Breath)

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Broken Dreams~ ~Kowareta Yume Chapter one Written by - Nojh-

It all started in highschool i didn't really know who i was,but i knew one day i would find out. I guess first i should start by telling you who i am.My name is Hikari Atarashi i live in the district of tokyo where anything and anyone aren't who they say they are.I was lost in my own thoughts as i was eating lunch.It felt like everything around me wasn't real almost as it wasn't suppose to be this way. Funny coming from someone like me ,but none the less i wasn't ready to face the truth even if i thought it was a lie to begin with. I wasn't siting alone today i happen to be at a table full of people but would rarely say anything if i could. The moment the bell rung I reacted as anyone would by taking my tray and getting up in any old fashion. The moment i turned around the side of my food tray hit the arm of some random person. The tray flopped across the floor lucky for me i ate most of my food. Looking up to apologize but in that very moment there was no one there to say it to?. At any rate i must have bumped into myself was the type of vibe it gave off. Shrugging lightly i quickly picked up my tray and walked over to the bin and placed it back where i got it from.I found it nice to get out of school right after lunch it was something that i looked forward to everyday even if i had a bad day or not.I went to my locker to get my jacket when i noticed a loud scream down the right side of the hall it sounded like a girls scream i said to myself. having no idea what to do i quickly walked to the area i heard the noise it was uneasy feeling i got from the hallway.I slowly peeked around the door way to see what had made that noise.The girl was slowly bleeding clinching her left arm i felt my heart drop the air i was breathing got thinner the more i looked. my eyes beaming around the room and i saw someone standing over her it was girl i had never seen her before even the girl on the floor i had never seen before.But then the girl standing over her slowly turned around her eyes weren't see able because of her bangs covering it the black hair made it seem sinister look to it.I slowly backed up falling to the ground crawling away with my back to the wall.The girl rushed to the door and slowly open the door the moment the door opened i felt like i couldn't hear anything like i lost my hearing.The door opened completely she wasn't there at all?. i felt my hearing come back then i peered into the deep dark room while the door was open the very next moment all i heard was"shhh" i looked to my side and there she was the girl that was standing over the girl that was clinging to her bloody arm in the next room. I felt a sharp pain in my side and i knocked out to the side. I woke up in my bed sweat dripping from my forehead i quickly jump out of bed and ran down stairs to the bathroom. As i entered the bathroom i took a quick shower holding my head under the pouring water i felt more relaxed i slowly closed my eyes thinking about the dream i just had. i turned off the water then grabbed a towel from the closet behind me.Wrapping it around my head and putting on my robe from around the back of the door. i walked back up to my room still thinking about the dream. I quickly opened my door and went back to my bed and checked my phone for the time it was already 6:45am."Dam i got like 35 more mins tell i have to get dress i guess it was good thing i woke up when i did" gently laughing to myself.I went to my closet and put my school uniform on and took my ear buds plugged it into my phone and listen to some eletronica as i got my shoulder bag from around the other side of my room. i walked back downstairs took my keys to the house " don't want to forget these again took my older brother hours to respond to my text when i forgot them the last time" i said to myself .Walking out the door i walked down the drive way to wait for the bus lucky for me i happen to live right in front of the bus stop.As i was waiting i listened to some music as always then right before i closed my eyes to think i felt a poke to my cheek. At first i took no note of what happen thought nothing of it then that is when i felt a poke to my side.I quickly open my eyes and i noticed it was Nin she was looking pretty mad ." hey Nin good morning " i said "don't you good morning me hmp" she turned away as she was clearly pouting about my lack of response a second ago. " sorry i just was in the zone a bit the music speaks to me sometimes yeah know?" i said smiling. She blushes " w-well..fine..stop day dreaming you could get hit by a car!!" . i nodded knowing there was no way i was going to win with her. The bus finally comes on time for once me and Nin get on the bus and walked to the back in sit and the third to last seat.I felt her eyes beaming at me so i tried to ignore it as i looked out the window of course that didn't go to well..."Hey Hikari let me get the window seat this time you always sit there!! hmp" . sighs "fine lets switch then Nin..",I get up to change seat with her as i was sliding over she was moveing around me the bus hit a pot-hole and she fell on my lap. " HIKARI YOU PERVERT!!" slaps me across the face."...Nin....ouch! what was that for i didn't even do anything!".She felt bad i could see the look in her face i mean how could i not she was still siting on my lap..."um not that i don't mind but..uh you aren't really siting in next to the window NIn?. Her face turn bright red!"SHUT up Hmp" she quickly moves to window seat.We pulled up to the school and we got off the bus as we were being dropped off we walked in the main entrance. At that moment i felt weird vibe like today was a bit off i couldn't put my finger on it then next heard a yell... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued

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