Sloane's Powers

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Welcome to Little Witch & Her True Alpha! I am basing my witches on the witches from charmed mixed with some elements from TVD Universe. Here is a brief description of Sloane's Powers:

Telekinesis-is the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands, the latter being the most common way to use the power. This is one of the most common yet most versatile powers possessed by magical beings, be they good, evil or neutral.

 This is one of the most common yet most versatile powers possessed by magical beings, be they good, evil or neutral

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Premonitions-is the power to see and experience events from the past, present, and future. This power is highly desirable, since it often helps a witch evade dangerous situations. It is one of the most helpful defensive powers that a witch can possess.

 It is one of the most helpful defensive powers that a witch can possess

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Molecular Immobilization-More commonly referred to as freezing, is the ability to slow down molecules to the point where they move so slowly that objects and people appear completely motionless, simulating the stoppage of time in a localized range.

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Molecular Combustion- is the power to make molecules speed up to the point that objects or beings explode. The power is channeled through hand gestures, and is one of the strongest offensive powers to be wield.

 The power is channeled through hand gestures, and is one of the strongest offensive powers to be wield

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AN: I know that both the last two gifs are not of Danielle Campbell, but I am just showing the powers :) 

She will get one more power later one in the story and I will update her power list then!

Little Witch & Her True Alpha-Scott McCallWhere stories live. Discover now