A....Normalish Day

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3rd Person POV:
Jake had just woken but was still in bed wondering how today was gonna go. Eventually, he got out of bed and started to get ready. He brushed his teeth, brushed his hair,and put on his binder and clothes. He grabbed his bag and went downstairs.

He was met with his little sister, who was eating some pancakes and his dad and mom. His whole family accepted him for being trans,except his aunt who visited here and there. He put his bag near the door and grabbed a plate and put some pancakes on it and sat down, and started to eat.

“Morning brother!” his little sister Luna said. Jake looked at her and smiled, “Morning Luna..” He patted her head a bit before continuing to eat and then looked at his mom, who entered the room and was carrying some luggage. “Hi mom….getting ready to leave now?..” His mom nodded, “Yes but remember me, and your dad will only be gone a week and a half. And don't worry, your aunt isn't coming over. And make sure your sister goes to bed by 10! 10:30 is the latest. Unless it's the weekend.” Jake nods, “I know mom….it's not my first time….don't worry.” His mom sighed and then kissed Jake on the forehead and Luna on the forehead, “Luna, behave! Your brother is in charge, so do what he says. And behave to people that he has come over. Ok?” Luna nodded. Jake's mom then opened the door and grabbed the bags, “Ok, I should probably go before your father gets impatient ... .we'll call you when we land. Bye! Love you!” Their mom then exited through the door, closed the door, and locked it.

Jake sighed before looking at the time, “Ok, try to finish as much as you can in five minutes. You start school in 15 minutes, so hurry up.” Jake then sat up and put his empty plate in the sink and then went to go put his shoes on and to grab his bag. Luna then finished what she could and put the rest of the pancakes in the trash and put her plate in the sink before going to put her shoes on and grabbing her bag. “Ok, you ready, Luna?” Luna nodded, “Yeah sis- I mean…brother..” Jake froze a bit in shock before seeing Luna looking guilty. “I'm sorry brother, I didn't mean to…” Jake sighed and then patted Luna's head, “It's alright….let's go.” Jake grabbed Luna's hand and closed the door and locked it.

They were walking towards Lunas school, which was actually not far from their house and Jake's school. When they arrived, Luna hugged Jake, “Ok,bye brother!” She then let go and went inside the school. Jake smiled and continued to walk to his school.

I was already inside of the school and was putting my stuff in the locker before being jumpscared by Milly.
“MILLY!! WTF?!” I said, scared asf. “What? Just wanted to say hi!!” Milly said cheerfully with a mischievous smile, “Also, the gang was looking for you! So I had to come and scare you for being late!!” Milly yelled at me for being late. “Well,I had to drop my sister off at school. It's not my fault.” I said it very calmly with an annoyed look. “Well, still, you were late! Now let's go!” Milly immediately grabbed my hand and led me to the Music Club room.

After about a minute or two, we reached the room, and we entered and saw Hailey and Zander fighting over some ship in a book they read. Luke then came up to us, “Hi Jake! Just wanted to let you know since you weren't here for when Daisy came... .we are having a fire drill during 2nd period…..I was gonna text you, but I lost my phone....”
(If your wondering why Luke is saying this, it's cause 1, Jake has a huge fear of loud noises AND 2 he has some PTSD and whenever he hears loud sounds it causes him to have flashbacks,anxiety and he kinda will start panicking, forgot to put that in the Info section-)

I kinda tensed up and was kinda panicking, “O-oh….t-that's….not g-good…” I said shaky.
“Yeah...I knew I should've told Zander to text you! Hey, but you'll have me and Zander! Don't worry!...” Luke said in a calming tone. “T-true...l-let's just hope….I end u-up fine…” I said still shakily. Zander and Hailey were still fighting. I kinda chuckled and was looking at Zander a lot, I will admit…I do have a crush on him…but I don't know if he'll accept me for what I am…..yeah he's gay but….being trans is completely different...I could ask him how he feels about trans people …..but...we'll see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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