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Leighton walked across the uneven grass of the football field as the small heel of her shoes dug into the dirt

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Leighton walked across the uneven grass of the football field as the small heel of her shoes dug into the dirt. The petite girl almost always sporting some form of heel due to her lack of height. She let out an annoyed huff as the dirt started sticking to her shoes, the blonde looked at her surroundings as she watched the sweaty bodies of the football players tackle one another. Each of them taking turns being interviewed by the local news.

Leighton was surprised when her brother told her that they wanted to interview her as well, yet due to her fathers well known reputation, she wasn't surprised. Her jaw locked in annoyance as she approached the small group of men. The blonde not wanting to do the interview in the first place because there wasn't even the smallest part of her that cared about football.

But her mother insisted on the matter.

A tall man with dark skin got up from his chair, giving the girl a small smile. "Leighton St. James?"

"You'd be correct," She gave him a straight-lipped smile.

"Please take a seat,"

The blue eyed girl couldn't help but furrow her brows in disgust at the thought of all of the sweat build up from the players.

She hesitantly took a seat, "Not to be rude or anything, but I don't really see the significance of me being here,"

"Well you're Harvey's sister," The man stated. "Not to mention Patrick St. James' daughter. A statement from you would do wonders for our story,"

"Do I look like the kind of girl who keeps up with football?" Leighton raised her brows, doing a small motion towards her appearance, which would be considered 'over-the-top' for an everyday outfit for school in Dillon.

He gave her a hesitant chuckle, "Look—Miss. St. James, all we want to do is ask you a couple of questions and then you're free to go,"

Leighton stayed quiet, giving him a small nod to continue.

The man pointed to one of his colleagues who was holding a large camera, instructing him to start filming, "Now it's well known around town that you and your family just moved here for this upcoming school year,"

"That is correct,"

"It's no surprise to see your brother Harvey walking in your father's footsteps. Patrick being one of the best quarterbacks Texas has ever seen until he blew out his knee in college and built his own empire in Nashville,"

"I don't need a history lesson on my father,"

"It was rather shocking to hear about his passing last year and I send my deepest condolences to you and your family,"

"Thank you..." Leighton bit the inside of her cheek, the topic of her family always being a sore one.

"And according to your brother, y'all moved to Dillon in order for your family to be closer to your father. As well as for Harvey to be at one of the top ranked High Schools for football,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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