Is Love Dead?

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*The band finishes the concert and heads back stage*
Everyone high-fives each other and cheers..
*You flash a big smile to Bill*

Y/n: "You were amazing"
Bill scoffs and smirks

Y/n: "You were amazing"Bill scoffs and smirks

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What does that mean??.. You are confused by his sudden change of behavior..
You decide being mean and pushy wont solve the issue
(Yes you, Y/n, are actually going to be calm and nice for once!! which is rare 😇)

*You grab his arm and pull him aside to the room next to you*
You start to talk in a quiet voice so no one overhears
Y/n: "Bill, whats wrong? Did something happen? Im worried."
Bill looks at you, hurt
Bill: "I don't want to talk to you anymore"
You feel a deep pain in your heart, but you still need to find out whats wrong
Y/n: "Umm why?"
Bill: "You keep toying with my heart, I need someone more mature, Crazy."
Y/n: "Back to that nickname? Hello? Um."
You are offended, he's just like when you first met. He's made ABSOLUTELY NO PROGRESS.
*He gets really close to you, backing you up against the wall
Bill: "The moment we step into Los Angeles is the last time we will see each other. Okay?"
Y/n: "What the hell."
Bill: "Now leave my sight, bitch"

You rush out of the room
You are so confused and hurt. Did Bill bring you to the tour just for sex? Were you a GROUPIE to him? A WHORE? ugh. anything but that.. You know how much you hate sluts
Why did he change so suddenly? Maybe Crystal? It's not like you made out with Tom just now.

*Tom stops you*
Tom: "Woah.. Baby whats the rush?"
You groan
Y/n: "I don't want to talk right now, leave me alone"
You try pushing him out of the way but he doesn't let you move
Tom: "Maybe talking is just what you need right now"
Y/n: "No it really isn't. I tried to be nice, and I tried to talk and it failed."
Tom: "We always have a chill time together, come on baby, you can talk to me"

You both sit next to each other
Tom: "Come on talk"
You hesitate at first
Y/n: "I.. Congratulated Bill after the performance. He was cold, and I was confused to why. So I decided to be nice, which is rare for me and talk it out. He ended up being a complete cunt and calling me a bitch for nothing.. He said he doesn't ever wanna see me again when we come back to Los Angeles"

You start to cry, which is rare.. but it just hurts. Bill is something you truly care about
*Tom hugs you tight, seeing this*
Tom: "I guess he got the message"
Y/n: "What are you talking about? Did I do something wrong?! I feel like I really am going crazy.."
Tom: "No don't worry.. It was nothing wrong, Bill is just emotional."
Y/n: "He's so moody, it's unbearable."
Tom: "Possessive too. But yea, he really needs a drink or something... Oh speaking of alcohol, the band is going to a club to celebrate our last night here. Come with us, you need it"
You think about it and nod
Y/n: "Why not? It's the last night and I really do need alcohol. Thanks Tom."
Tom smiles

Tom: "No problem baby

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Tom: "No problem baby.. And Victoria doesn't have to come either, just tell her we are all sleeping, she'll believe you."
Y/n: "Yea probably, shes been acting weird and stupid recently."
You remember how she was twerking and peeing yesterday

You all go to the club, you stand by close to Tom the whole time

The club plays "Be My Lover" by La BoucheY/n: "I love this song!"Tom: "But that song is so old"You wanna choke this hoe to death (and to pleasure)Y/n: "Ugh! you know nothing

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The club plays "Be My Lover" by La Bouche
Y/n: "I love this song!"
Tom: "But that song is so old"
You wanna choke this hoe to death (and to pleasure)
Y/n: "Ugh! you know nothing.."
Bill looks at you both*, He loves old music too and wants to say something, but he remembers he wants to avoid you

Tom: "Where are the drinks?.. They should be serving to us, we are famous"
Y/n: "Yea, they should! You know what call them over"
Tom laughs at your boldness
Tom: "Servers! come here!"
He hands them some money and they start to serve the band shots
Tom: "Y/n, lets do some body shots"
He smirks
You widen your eyes
You never done that before and are a little scared
Bill: "No.. You guys are not doing that here"
Ugh always ruining the mood
Y/n: "Says who? You? Okay.  Because no one cares what YOU have to say"

You lay on the couch and take your shirt off
Y/n: "Lets do it Tom"
Tom gets immediately excited and moves quickly over to you
Tom: "You are brave right now"
Y/n: "I saw the light"
He laughs
He then pours a little of alcohol on your body and drinks it, it tickles and the sensation gets you warm and fuzzy

Y/n: "Now I'm sticky.. that was stupid"
Tom: "Once in a lifetime experience.. Come on lets dance"
Tom puts your shirt back on and grabs your arm, leading you to the dance floor

*You both end up dancing for an hour, you are now exhausted and quite drunk*

*You hold onto Tom, tight
Tom: "We drank too much"
Y/n: "I know.. we need to go back to the hotel
Tom: "Okay I'll tell Bill"
Tom walks over to Bill, you follow him
you both see Bill making out with a ton of girls

You wanna hump on the girl's skull until it cracksY/n: "UGHH!"Tom: "What"Y/n: "Never mind, I'm just drunk"You start to cry on the floor, it must be the alcohols doing*Bill glances after making out with a girl*Bill: "She's so drunk"Tom: "Yea, me to...

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You wanna hump on the girl's skull until it cracks
Y/n: "UGHH!"
Tom: "What"
Y/n: "Never mind, I'm just drunk"
You start to cry on the floor, it must be the alcohols doing
*Bill glances after making out with a girl*
Bill: "She's so drunk"
Tom: "Yea, me too, let's go back"
Bill: "Okay, let me bring someone"
He holds the hand of a whorish girl, shes wearing a tight revealing dress, messy short hair and messed up lipstick from kissing Bill

Y/n: "Kill yourself"  You say in a slurred voice to the girl
Bill: "Just ignore that crazy girl" he smiles
Y/n: "OH MY GOD-"
Tom hugs you and tries to calm you down
Tom: "You're not thinking straight, just come with me for the night"
Y/n: "Okay..." you cry in his arms

You all make it back to the hotel and you are crying the whole time
crying in the entrance
crying in the elevator
crying in Tom's room
crying in the bathroom
crying on the bed

Tom is getting tired of your tears
Tom: "Hey Y/n, let's make you happy"
Y/n: "HOWWW?"
Tom: "I know just what you need"

What does Tom have in store for you?
is the next chapter a Tom smut? 😱

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