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"And they successfully ran away with all the stuff they need!" Yoongi sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Charlotte forced herself to smile a little and then nodded. "Why don't you sleep? I'll go out and just walk around." Charlotte said and then walked out of the room.

She gritted her teeth together, heading to the hall where her parents were.

"Good evening, mother and father." She bowed to the king and queen, before exhaling her a deep breath and standing straight. "Taehyung and Jungkook ran away." She concluded.

"What?" Mrs. Min frowned. She was Asian but her husband was French. She looked over her husband and then at her daughter.

"They are lovers and- pardon my language- fucking run away to cancel the wedding!" She snapped and Mr. Min looked at her weirded out.

"What?! Are you serious?!" He snapped as well and Charlotte nodded and bowed a little.

"Father, I have a request to make." Charlotte started, her voice deep.

"What is it?"

"I want you to kill Jungkook in front of Taehyung."


Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm tightly, their faces masked so that no one would recognize them.

"Catch them!" They heard from behind. Taehyung grunted a little, continuing to run. Their breaths had become heavy and legs felt numb. They'd been running all this time. It was night already.

"Fuck. How did they find us?!" Taehyung spat, looking over- there were houses all over, and the small freeways between the houses were making things hard for them to ran and hide.

"T-Taehyung- I-I'm scared." Jungkook stammered between heavy breaths, tears had started to rise in his eyes and his heartbeats pulsing hard.

"Don't worry, my dear. I'm right here." Taehyung whispered, storming inside a house and closed the door. The place was filled with darkness.

Jungkook breathed heavily, hugging Taehyung tightly, and he was driven to tears by anxiety. "I-I'm scared- I-I don't want to die just because I love you." Jungkook's cries were louder now and more painful.

"Do you love me?" Taehyung asked, cupping Jungkook's cheeks and Jungkook sniffed nodding. Taehyung smiled and kissing Jungkook's forehead. "Then trust me it'll be okay and we'll be alright." Jungkook could hear Taehyung's voice wavering and he hugged Taehyung again, letting tears swell down.

A loud slam on the door and both of the boys flinched.

Taehyung gulped, not really knowing what to do and Jungkook gripped on him tighter, removing the stupid mask from his face that was suffocating him right now.

"Calm down, my previous one. I promise I'll protect you, hmm?" Taehyung said, caressing Jungkook's back.

"M-marry her..."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook in disbelief. "What?" He asked, his eyes were big and mouth wide. Jungkook snuffed.

"I-it's the only way for both of us to survive. I-if people find out about us, both of us will be executed or else..." Jungkook stifled out, gripping tightly on Taehyung's shirt.

"I-I can't do that- I love you, Jungkook. I don't want to marry someone else then, let alone a girl." Taehyung smothered out as well and Jungkook shook his head.

"It's for our sake, Taehyung- if not mine, yours. I don't want you to die- I- I'm willing to do anything for you, Your Majesty, can you do this for us then? There's nothing we can do now..." Jungkook stammered, tears rushing down his cheeks.

"A-are you giving up on me already?" Taehyung shuddered, holding back his own tears.

Jungkook shook his head. "N-no- it's just... everything's so unexpected and I-I don't know what else to do- your wedding with Charlotte is the only thing that can survive both of us- and- fuck. I love you!" Jungkook blubbered out, pressing his lips against Taehyung's.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?!" A voice snapped and the boys turned around to find... Hoseok? "Why are you both doing something so weird and who the hell is outside? Slamming on my door?!" He continued to ask, turning on the lights of the room.

"I- please- help us!" Taehyung cried out and Hoseok shook his head. "No, you both are gross." He remarked and then flinched a little when the door was broken and some people got inside and grabbed Jungkook by the collar of his shirt and prevented Taehyung by blocking his arms behind.

"L-leave him alone! It's your king's orders!" Taehyung shouted, tears flowing down as eyes and someone had punched Jungkook on the face.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, we can't take your commands right now. We got orders to finish off Jungkook because he's an obstacle to your and Her Highness' wedding." A man said and punched Jungkook on the stomach.

Taehyung's eyes were big and glossy as he struggled to get rid of the holds around him but they were useless. He felt his whole world collapsing down when he saw Jungkook's body seeming so fragile and- and he still was crying.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung as the men continued to beat him. He felt his hair being gripped tightly and Jungkook just grunted, gritting his teeth together, closing his eyes shut.

"Pass me the blade. We don't have much time to waste on him." The man that was gripping Jungkook's hair said.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other's eyes again, feeling pathetic and useless. Both were crying very loudly but the guards avoided it.

It seemed like the world around them had frozen and only they mattered right now.

Taehyung breathed heavily as he watched the man putting the blade near Jungkook's throat and his whole body shuddered under the tight grips in fear and he couldn't even breathe properly anymore.

Hoseok stood there, completely frozen. His voice was stuck and whole body trembling. Fuck fuck fuck- this was bad. Taehyung and Jungkook's loud beggings and cries of telling the men not to kill Jungkook rang into the house that got drifted away soon later.


The whole place went silent for a while, except for Jungkook and Taehyung's loud cries.

"Let's go to the palace then, Your Majesty." The man said, throwing the blade away.

Taehyung sighed in relief, but the tears never stopped. He saw Jungkook's fragile body collapsing down on the floor as Taehyung was forced to go out with all of the men.

Jungkook sniffed, closing his eyes shut. His chest heaved up and down as tears kept rushing past his eyes and into a brief period, he fell unconscious. 

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