20. Zev and Rudi

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Carmine hurried towards the cafeteria. She'd had to talk to Mr. Lowell about the math test she'd only barley passed and so she'd been a little late. And lunch was pretty much the only period she actually liked – she didn't want to miss the whole thing talking about some stupid test!

She rounded the corner and saw Rudi and Zev walking out of the cafeteria doors. Zev looked like he'd rather be almost anywhere else, but Rudi had a grim look of determination.

It took Carmine less than a minute to decide to spy on them. Something about the look on Zev's face told her it wasn't a conversation he'd be sharing with the girls anytime soon. And he already knew about Carmine's incredibly embarrassing dreams, so why shouldn't she get to know something about him? Besides, how else was she going to find out what werewolves talked about when they were alone?

The two walked towards the far end of the courtyard, away from everyone else. Carmine snuck down the hallway. There was a nice pillar about twenty feet from where Zev and Rudi were stopping. It might have been too far away for the average student to eavesdrop from, but not for Carmine – not any more. She grinned wickedly to herself as she sat down behind the pillar and got ready to listen.

"I want you to help me figure out what's going on with Adam." Rudi's voice floated over to her.

Carmine's eyes widened. How could Rudi know about Adam? Carmine peered cautiously around the column. Rudi was standing there, arms folded. She looked pretty demanding for someone who'd just asked for a favor.

"What about Adam?" Zev asked neutrally. Carmine couldn't help but notice he didn't even seem fazed.

"Are you really going to stand there and tell me you haven't noticed anything wrong with the kid?" Rudi asked.

"Is he too popular for you?" Zev snickered, clearly enjoying making her mad.

"Don't make me hurt you." she told him. Zev eyed her for a minute, as if trying to decide how seriously to take the threat.

"What is it you're trying to find out?" he asked finally.

"Every girl he dates gets really sick." Rudi told him. "I want to know why."

"I can't help you with that." Zev told her flatly.

"You owe me." she clenched her fist.

"Changing schedules isn't even close to the same as this. Besides, why do you care, anyway?"

"Because. I just do."

"If you want me to spy on someone, you're going to have to do a lot better than that."

"Because...I'm worried about Sharon." Rudi admitted. It looked like the sentence had been painful to say.

Carmine's jaw dropped. Sharon had been Carmine's best friend all through elementary school. But she was human – why would Rudi care about her?

"She started dating him last week, and she's been acting really weird. I don't like it." Rudi added.

"What?" Zev laughed. It was the first time since the conversation started that he didn't look uncomfortable. "I thought having human friends was beneath you."

"I like Sharon." Rudi snapped. "Besides, I figured you of all people wouldn't make comments like that."

"Well, you figured wrong." Zev grinned. "You really thought I wouldn't make fun of you for something like that?"

Carmine bristled. Was that really what Zev thought about her? Did that change when she became a vampire? Or had that made it even worse?

"Even though half your lunch group is human?" Rudi challenged. "And that's not even considering the fact that you're–"

"If you want me to help you, you're off to a great start." Zev snapped.

"Just didn't think you of all people would have such a problem with it." she said, nearly matching his tone.

"I don't have a problem with you hanging out with humans." Zev clarified. "I just think it's funny since you've been totally against it until – well, now really. Hasn't that been your big problem with Luke?"

Carmine's eyes widened.

"I kind of thought he'd grow out of it by now." Rudi mumbled darkly. Then she straightened and asked Zev haughtily, "Look, are you going to help me or not? Or do I have to go ask Rollin?"

Who was Rollin? The senior on the soccer team? Why would he care? Unless – could he really be one of them too? How many werewolves were there at this school?

"Ok – fine." Zev said a little too quickly. And Carmine was left to wonder – what was so bad about Rudi asking Rollin for help? It wasn't like there was a great chance of them figuring out anything about Adam on their own anyway.

"Look, if you want to know the truth, we're already trying to figure out what to do with him." Zev said it so quietly, Carmine almost missed it.

"Great – so what's the plan?"

"We don't know yet." Zev told her hesitantly. Something in his face must have made Rudi suspicious.

"Wait – who exactly is 'we' anyway?"

"Me, Luke and Conner." Zev told her, without missing a beat. Carmine never realized how good he was at lying until today.

"And your humans?" Rudi asked.

Zev raised his eyebrows at that but didn't comment on it. Instead he simply asked, "What about them?"

"Are they helping you?"

"To make a plan? Why would that matter?"

"Really?" Rudi asked, like she thought he was an idiot. "Maybe I'm talking to the wrong person here after all. Excuse me, I have to find Rollin."

Rudi made a move to leave, but Zev stepped in front of her.

"Wait." he said. And suddenly, he looked serious. "If you're worried about them figuring out about us, don't be."

"Why? Just because you say so?"

"Because we've actually been careful."

"And Carmine?" Rudi asked suddenly. Carmine's eyes widened. Why would her name come up in this?

"What about her?" Zev asked, sounding almost as confused as Carmine felt.

"She hadn't accused you of anything yet?"

Zev actually laughed. "No – I told you, we're careful. Besides, I think she's growing out of that."

"So are they helping you?" Rudi asked abruptly.

"To come up with ideas? Sure, why not?" Zev shrugged.

"Because they'll want to help. You're not going to let them, are you?"

"You think we'd bring humans along?" Carmine was impressed with Zev's ability to feign shock. Especially since last year had told her that he definitely would.

"Well, with you three, who knows." she muttered. Zev looked at her coolly for a minute before saying anything.

"Nope – whatever this is, it's a no-humans mission. Promise." he told her. "It's also a no-Rudi mission. So, I'm going to get back to lunch, and I'll let you know what happens."

Zev started to leave, without waiting for Rudi to respond. And Carmine knew that was her cue. She hurried quickly along the hall and through the cafeteria doors, scanning for her friends. She found them at a table near the windows.

"Sorry I'm late." she said, sliding into an empty chair just as Zev walked through the door.

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