Mongolia To South Korea

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Tsetseg pov.

Right now I m setting on airplane and soon I am going to land my dream country South Korea can you believe how much hard it was for me to convince my parents but I manage to do that and now I am going to south korea.

Author pov.

Suddenly airplane started to shaking violently and emergency landing was announced everyone was panicking and during that time Tsetseg stand up quality and goes towards door and broke that door and elegantly jumped from airplane and started to run towards taildragger to stop the airplane so it would not crashed with bus and she successful stopped the airplane. Everyone was relived and amazed specially that one specific man. He was keep looking at her with his dark eyes like a hunter finally found his prey. He was amazed by her strength and was feeling the desire to have her by her side by any means (By Hook Or By Crook).


Who is she? Where she has come from? How she is soo strong? What is the secret of her unbeatable strength?

Those questions keep ringing on my head. She has captured my eyes.



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Author Talk

Hi my dear reader I am extremely sorry for any grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes. English is not my first language sorry forgive me.

Happy Reading 😊

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