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June 10, 2023

Mingi banged as loudly as he could against the wooden door of the room he was locked in. Two days had now passed. He banged on it even louder and wouldn't stop until someone finally heard him. His hand was already numb with pain when he finally heard the key in the lock. He took a step back and the door opened. He was met with a piercing stare from Yunho.

Mingi crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I haven't showered in days and I've been wearing the same clothes for three days," he said. "It's disgusting. Besides, I'm hungry, the food isn't edible if it's the same thing every day. And I need fresh air, but the window won't open."

Yunho just looked at him silently. Mingi knew he shouldn't complain, but he couldn't help it. And from the look on Yunho's face, he could guess that he would probably be spending the next few days in a dungeon, if they had one. Mingi could hear a loud sigh. "Come with me," Yunho muttered and walked ahead. Mingi looked after the older man in disbelief.

Surprised that Yunho listened to him, he quickly ran after him. Yunho stopped in front of the bathroom, which Mingi had used several times before, but not to take a shower. "Wait here," Yunho said and walked on to his room. He disappeared into the doorway. Mingi stared after him. Yunho actually trusted him not to run away? Mingi couldn't help but grin. Yunho actually did what Mingi wanted.

It wasn't long before Yunho was standing in front of Mingi again. He held out a towel and some clothes. Mingi took the clothes with a smile. His eyes wandered to Yunho and he noticed how Yunho avoided his gaze. "Hurry up," Yunho said before Mingi disappeared into the bathroom. He locked the door and leaned against it, clutching the clothes tightly to his chest. Why was Yunho being so nice to him all of a sudden? Mingi realized how fast his heart was suddenly beating and he shook himself. He quickly walked to the shower and undressed.


Freshly showered and with Yunho's clothes on, Mingi left the bathroom again. His eyes immediately caught Yunho's, who was leaning against the opposite wall. Mingi noticed how Yunho's gaze rested on him for a while and he scratched his head nervously. "Thanks for the clothes," Mingi said. Yunho pushed himself away from the wall. Then he nodded and walked back down the corridor. Mingi simply followed him until they were standing in front of the small room again.

Mingi stopped in the hallway and made a pouty face. "I don't want to stay in this room anymore. There's nothing to do and it's so dark." Yunho eyed him briefly, then grabbed his arm and pulled Mingi into the room. Before Mingi could even react, Yunho closed the door again and locked it. Mingi knocked on the door, but gently this time. "Yunho, please." Mingi whined.

There was silence, then Mingi heard footsteps moving away. Dejected, Mingi dropped back onto the bed. At least he was allowed to take a shower, he felt a thousand times better now.


Mingi spent the rest of the day looking out of the window or staring at the ceiling. He searched the room several times, but there was simply nothing interesting here.Just before it got dark, Mingi heard the key and jumped up happily. He knew it was Yeosang who brought him food.

Less than a minute later, Yeosang walked into the room and placed a tray on the small table. "Noodles again?" Mingi whined. He loved noodles, but not if he had to eat them every day. Yeosang smiled apologetically at him. Mingi pulled Yeosang onto his bed and sat down next to him.

"Yeosang, I wanted to ask you a favor," he said. Yeosang looked at him questioningly. "Can you please try to get me a phone somehow. I want to call my friends." Yeosang looked down. "Mingi, I can't," he said. "Please Yeosang. I want them to know that I'm okay. I promise I won't tell them where I am. I don't want to cause you trouble. I just want to talk to them.
I miss them."

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