chapter 6 -SECRETS

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Jenny was so frightened and she didn't go to the world of magic for long time.She locked herself in her room and kept crying. Then, she remebered when was training her and his dream was that one day she becomes the the queen. "But the queen of what ???!!"she thought.
She went with her memory back and remembered the moment when Edwin died. "Aha that's what he meant, The kingdom of Slaimfes , he always wanted me to be the queen there" ............"but what's the meaning of R1" she thought. SUDDENLY her telephone was her father s friend at work. Her father was an engineeer , he fell off a building and he was at the hospital now. She went quickly to the hospital.
When she arrived, she found out that her father made a surgery in his leg and had to stay at the hospital for a week.When she went out from
her father s room , she noticed the word "R1" written on the door. She asked the nurse about it's meaning and she told her that it means room one. "Now i think i know what "slaimfes R1" means" jenny told herself. After one week Jenny's father finally recovered and went back to the
house with Jenny as she stayed with him at the hospital. Jenny decided that she would sett off her jeourny to the castle of slaimfes and discover what's waiting for her at room one.but before she will go to the castle in the world of magic and try to find some information at edwin's room but hooow ??!
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Written by : mariam hesham and mayar mohammed

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