Chapter 3

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"Well, that's crazy... Because I've been here since I was since I was three, yanno, because my dad is one of the preachers." My eyes widened as I realized that I had just lost this argument, but this wasn't the end. It couldn't have been.

I walked over back to the chair that I was in before and began reading through my text messages, that was soon interrupted when my light was soon blocked by a pair of pajama pants and a red hoodie, I looked up and of course, it was the monster himself, Jacob. When the hell did this kid have a wardrobe change? I was completely confused and utterly annoyed that he was blocking the light that was hitting my phone. My eyes soon widened when I realized who he was talking to, my younger brother, Yazz.

"Oh my gosh," I mumbled under my breath trying not to be too loud, but then again I really didn't gave a damn so it didn't matter to me, "frickin creeper!" now that one came more out like a regular talking voice and I knew that he had heard me when he slowly began to turn around. My throat became dry and my mind started racing attempting to figure out what my comeback would be for whatever he would say next, because he would have to be planning on saying something shitty right?

"Am I amusing you?" He looked at me and I couldn't really tell if he was being sarcastic or a complete jackass which was totally crazy considering I'm like the biggest sarcastic bitch ever. I didn't know what I was feeling but a part of me was a bit scared by his facial expression.

"Yeah, actually you are. Pretty much." Really? Now that I look back on it, I sounded so god damn lame and I just don't know what I could say other than Great job, Bria! Note the sarcasm... I sat up straight and scooted up a little bit before I could really take in his words.

"Well, that's what god put me on this planet for." Him and that god damn smirk, a smirk soon spread across his lips right after he said that and I was instantly annoyed.

I decided to look away as he began to continue speaking but this time towards my older brother Brody, who was also my best friend in the whole wide world. My eyes studied the space and instantly landed on the jukebox, I stood up and began walking over to it when I heard a voice that is forever engraved into my skull,

"Bria! How are you?" I looked over at the short latina woman. She was beautiful I must admit, but not more beautiful than my- I don't really want to get into that, right now at least. She power walked over to me and squeezed me to death or in her eyes hugged me very passionately?

I kept the forced grin on my face but actually felt a little happy when my practical 'step brother' Noah walked by, "Noaher!" I said in a weird high pitched voice that sometimes makes my throat hurt. He had a strange look plastered on his face, which wasn't new, nor was I use to it. He had this way of making people sympathize for him, "How are you?" I didn't want to give him the time of day to give me some sob story.

"I'm cool, I'm just- Jacob!" Wow, did this really just happen? I turned to see the animal who attacked me in the grocery store make his way over by us. I didn't consider sticking around to hear him talk and make rude side comments about me.

I continued at the jukebox as the two boys walked over into a corner and began talking, I looked over and soon jerked my head back at the jukebox and pushed a quarter in the slot before selecting a song, the music began to slowly and quietly play and I soon walked over to the counter where the juice and other snacks were and swayed my hips attempting to get into the beat. I grabbed a cup of apple cider while having small talk with Lynn, the wife of bible study director. A smile plastered on her face as Yazz walked over to her, "Can we play Uno?"

I left after Yazz came over and assumed that he was playing Uno since he went over by the game table. I stayed sitting in my chair before Lynn came over and begged me to come play with them. I sat over in my chair and scrolled through my phone not knowing what to do, I got on Twitter, Facebook, Vine, etc. and nothing was any fun, probably because my mind kept tracing back to that asshole Jacob.

Noah was chatting with Brody and my dad was talking to the short latina woman from earlier, her name is Marisol. My older brother Brayden was at home so I was totally bored and didn't have anyone to distract me from looking at the boy who I had known to despise.

"How about you c'mon over and play with us Bria?! You need to socialize. We're not going to bite." Lynn said, coming out of nowhere, she was being nice and trying to make me feel comfortable so of course I agreed. I made my way to the table and smiled to myself as I noticed Yazz was talking to a younger boy who would soon become one of his best friends.

I immediately hopped on my phone as soon as I sat down and smiled when Noah came and sat by me, finally! I have company, I smirked to myself while imaging Jacob falling off a cliff due to being distracted due to being in shock because Noah likes me more than him! Noah and I talked about different stuff revolving around our parents, and if both of our families were going to hang out this weekend.

The chat ended pretty fast when I recieved a text from: SASSY SIX

The Sassy Six is a group chat in which five girls, myself and four others, speak about the most random yet fucked up shit ever. It usually consists of arguments, photos of cute boys, and sometimes well very rarely we have conversations about stuff that's actually deep and sincere. The group consist of:

Cameron Prestcott: An awkward white girl who comes off to be a hippie/tumblr girl. She's my very own personal therapist. She's very kind, sensitive, and very caring, sometimes too caring. We've known each other for quite sometime now and I wouldn't trade her for anyone in the world. She's one of the most innocent people ever which can sometimes be hilarious, and sometimes awkward due to the fact that the majority of the time I'm swearing like a fucking maniac.

Jamie Apuke: Jamie, well, I don't really know what to say about her to be quite honest. I mean, we laugh... ABOUT EVERYTHING. It's kind of ridiculous but it just happens. We usually talk stuff about our other friends. She's an ex-figure skater who still believes in going to the pros, so I guess I should give her props about that.

Cole Lester-Crockens: I've known Cole for about the same amount of time that I've known Jamie and Cameron, but our friendship started off very awkwardly. I use to torture her verbally but now, after realizing how much stuff we have in common, we're really close and talk on a daily basis. She's pretty boy crazed, loud, outgoing, and sometimes can be the worlds biggest smart ass!

Penelope Crockens: If you haven't caught on yet, Penelope and Cole are related. They're cousins and you can tell just by having a conversation with each of them. Both smart, outgoing, and very chill. I've known her for a long time due to growing up with her twin brother, Perez. Penelope and I didn't start off on the right foot, but things changed and she's one of the closest people I have in the group.

Sunjai Lutz: Sunjai use to be very, I don't know "very out there". I mean, she use to be a complete bitch but now that I know her she's not that bad. She's a little different and that's okay? Right. She's very to herself unless you give her a reason not to be. She plays this role of being the too cool for school, I'm better than everybody, all the boys love me kind of girl, but we all see right through that, but I don't think she knows it yet since we're all too nice to tell her.

From above you should have already prepared for the most out there conversation ever, so I hope you're ready for it. The text message was from Cole, she was shocked when my response to her asking me what's up was, 'Shit... At bible study.' The conversation continued with her asking how or why I was swearing while at bible study and I just laughed,

But when I looked up I saw Noah and Jacob whispering to each other while looking over at me... Ouch! Way to put a teenage girl down.

But that changed when I looked up and heard, "Lets play... Who's dealing the cards?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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