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Jaïa drank her first glass. She closed her eyes briefly to find balance, and try to control this hot flash spreading in her due to the alcohol; it had been almost ten minutes since she was waiting for her friends to join her. She turned her gaze to the window, checking if any of them had finally decided to show up, but instead, she got lost in contemplating the countless rainwater streaks sliding down the fogged glass. Her phone vibrated; it was Mary.

-I'm starting to believe that you guys are actually walking to get here. Jaïa said with a sarcastic tone.
-Sweetie. Mary began with her calm and sly voice. I'm sorry we're making you wait, but Kyle and I went to pick up Becky and Greg, and as you can see, the rain is getting heavier. So, we're forced to park, waiting for it to pass. We'll be there any minute now, just be patient.
-I'm waiting for you; don't worry, it's fine.

After a good fifteen minutes, Mary, Kyle, Becky, and Greg entered the restaurant. Jaïa waved at them from where she was seated, and with smiles on their faces, they approached her. Mary hugged her last.

-Sweetie, she said, holding her tightly. You have no idea how much I've missed you.
-I missed you too.
- You look lovely.  Greg remarked
-Thank you. She replied with a smile.
-We're going to have a blast. Becky chimed in. You will see, we'll have the most wonderful vacation of our lives before heading back to college.
They all sat down.
-We wanted to introduce you someone. He is Kyle's friend. Mary turn over. My love, Kai will come, right? You called him I hope?
-I called him a while ago. Kyle said. He was on his way he told me. He'll be here any minute.
-You'll see Jaï. You're going to love him, he's a sweetheart.
-I have no doubt. Jaïa replied, smiling a bit sarcastically.
-I'll grab something in my car. I'll be back in a minute. Jaïa said as she stand up.
-Alright, hurry.

Quickly, she moved towards the exit. While closing the restaurant's door, her coat accidentally got stuck, and as she freed herself and looked up, her face collided a bit abruptly on someone's chest.
-Excuse me. She said briefly, rushing towards her car.
-Hey, wait!
Jaïa turned around.
-Give me my wallet back immediately.
-Give me my wallet, or I'll call the cops. Is that your car over there? He pointed to the only car parked behind her while taking a photo of the license plate with his phone.
-What the hell are you doing?
-See, now I have a photo of your plate. So, run if you want, but I'm afraid you won't go far with a car that the cops are chasing.
-I don't understand, are you insinuating that I stole your damn wallet? Jaïa said, outraged, approaching him, as if she were about to do something.
-You bumped into me, and my wallet suddenly disappeared, it was a magic trick? I don't think so. So, yes, I'm saying you stole it. Give me my wallet back immediately.
-I can't believe this. She articulated. Do I really look like I would steal people's stuff?
-Unfortunately, it's not displayed in humans foreheads if they're thieves or not.
-You're seriously starting to get on my nerves. She angrily said, stepping in front of him. Look, she continued, pointing to the ground behind him, look, your damn wallet was just there all this time.
He turned his head and saw his wallet on the ground.
Jaïa rolled her eyes and continued towards her car without exchanging any further words with him.
The rain would likely continue its parade, the sky was still covered with clouds, leaving no chance for the moon to shine its light.
-What a jerk! He didn't even apologize. She said to herself as she got out of the car, her bag in hand.

-What could be taking Jaïa so long? Becky asked.
-She might have had an issue outside. Mary replied, getting up. I'll go check.
-I'm with you. Kyle said, mimicking her gesture.
-Oh, look! She's coming. Becky said, facing the entrance.
Upon entering, Jaïa noticed someone else at their table. She only saw his back as she approached, but she already knew who it was.
-I can't believe it. She whispered to herself as she walked forward.
-Is that what you went to get? Mary asked, pointing the bag she was holding.
-Yes, I have some things inside that I wanted to show you.
-Jaïa, this is our friend we wanted to introduce you to. Mary began, pointing to the guy sitting next to her boyfriend, smiling.
-What a small world. Jaïa thought in herself. Out of all the people in this city, it had to be him.
-Kai, let me introduce you to Jaïa. Kyle said, tapping his friend's back.
-Nice to finally put a face on the name I've heard so much about. Kai said kindly, as if nothing was wrong.
-Let's just say I'm also pleased to meet you. Jaïa said curtly, with a forced smile, sitting down without lingering her gaze on him for more than five seconds. May I show you guys now?
-Alright? Mary said, glancing at the others, who also felt the tension in the air. Show us, yes.
-Alright, let's see...
She opened her bag and pulled out a book.
-What's this? Becky asked.
-No! Is it the book you were writing? You published it, and you didn't tell me? Mary articulated, surprised.
-I haven't published it yet. Well, officially, it hasn't been published yet. Don't worry. Jaïa replied, handing the book to Becky. I found an editor who wanted to work with me and... here's the result. It's the first copy.
-It's so beautiful. Becky said, examining the cover. I had no idea you had finished writing your book to the point of publishing it. It's crazy.
-I can hardly believe it myself.
-I had no idea you started writing again. I thought you had stopped? Greg added to the conversation.
-And I had no idea that you were the Shakespeare of the group. Kyle said, making a face at Mary.
-You're the worst friend. So, you're not promoting me? Jaïa replied, addressing Mary.
She waved to a passing waiter, leaned back in her chair, and when she looked up, she caught Kai staring at her. The waiter approached, and to avoid the awkwardness, she hid her eyes in the menu.
-I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow. She said, sitting up, still to conceal her embarrassment.
-Have you made your choices? asked the young man standing in front of them, immaculate apron and notepad in hand.
-So, I'll have... a big cheeseburger and also the sautéed beef with fries, two portions of fries precisely. Jaïa hurriedly said.
-Okay. And for you?
-Me? Mary said. Okay, I'll just have the sautéed beef; I'm not very hungry. And you, baby? She asked Kyle, who was glued to his phone.
-I don't know, the same as you.
-Oh! I'll have the same too. Greg said, putting the menu down.
-I'll have the same, please. Becky also said.
-And you?
Kai was lost, his eyes vacant, holding the menu listlessly in his hands.
-Kai? Greg said.
- What are you ordering?
-Oh! I'll just have something to drink. He said, quickly scanning the illustrations and writings on the menu. A vanilla smoothie thank you.
-Are you abstaining from alcohol? Becky teased. Have your lungs finally had enough? Well, well.
-Yes, and I'll soon die if that's what you want to know. He replied with the same mocking tone in his voice.
-So, Jaïa, why don't you tell us how you survived without us all this time?
-Greg, do you really think that I missed you guys?
-You probably met a guy there who erased us from your memory, considering you completely ignored us all year. Mary said, resting her head on the table.
-Stop saying that I ignored you because it's not true at all. Jaïa retorted in self-defense.
-Isn't it true, guys? Mary asked.
-It's true. They replied, throwing an accusatory look at Jaïa.
-I had explained the situation to you, but you chose to leave me. Don't blame me now. I was just overwhelmed by classes.
-You had plenty of time for your boyfriend, though. Becky said. You hid it well.
-I don't have a boyfriend; stop your childishness. Guys, it was just the classes that didn't leave me much time, that's all.
-That's it? Becky asked.
-That's it.
-Oh! Here's the food. Mary said warmly, clapping her hands, excited like a child.
-There you go.
The waiter placed the ordered dishes one by one and, lastly, put the glass of smoothie in front of Kai.
The rain had stopped falling. They were there, eating and conversating at the same time. Jaïa was telling them about her few misadventures in Oregon, and they were sharing theirs here in California.
Kai didn't say a word. He hadn't been integrated into the talk, but his eyes only went from his phone screen to Jaïa, who was sitting across from him. The world was indeed very small, he thought inwardly. The same girl he had been yelling at just an hour ago turned out to be the one sitting at the same table as him, the best friend of his friend's girlfriend, and also the "friend" he absolutely wanted to introduce to him. She was quite pretty, he noticed as he stared at her for a long time. She had wonderful big eyes that sparkled as she spoke and laughed. Her face was delicately angelic, and her voice, her voice was so pleasant to listen to. Oh, and her lips! No! Don't look at the lips. She was quite pretty, he repeated to himself to chase away his thoughts.

-Kai, do you remember when Mel embarrassed you in front of everyone at Fiona's party? When she put vomit all over you. Greg asked, laughing.
-Greg, it's not okay to say that? Mary reprimanded.
-You're good Greg. Kai said, leaning back in his chair.
-And who is Mel? Jaïa asked Mary, taking a bite of her cheeseburger.
-Um... Mary hesitated. It's... well... It's...
-My ex. Kai blurted out.
-Yeah, his ex. Mary repeated, feeling embarrassment rising in her face.
-I see, MARY. Jaïa articulated, lingering on her friend's name while maintaining eye contact with Kai in front of her, so that he understood that she hadn't addressed him at all.
-Okay! She continued. I'm dead tired. I need to take a shower, sleep; tomorrow, I have a lot to do. So far, I've only seen photos of the apartment I plan to rent; tomorrow, I'll go see it, and if it suits me perfectly, I'll move in.
-Why didn't you tell us anything? We could have sorted it all out for you before you got here.
-Sneaky. Becky mumbled.
-Kai, does your apartment still have that room available? Greg asked.
-Yes, my...
-No. Jaïa said vigorously. I mean... I'll stay in a motel tonight. Tomorrow, everything will be sorted out, don't worry about me.
-There's no way we'll let you spend the night in a motel when we're here. No way Jaïa. Becky said. It's stupid.
-He has an empty room at his place. Spend the night there, and if you feel comfortable enough, you could even consider sharing the apartment with him. Kyle added.
-I think... Jaïa began, sitting up and exhaling. I'll go to the motel tonight, and tomorrow, I'll sort it out. It's not that complicated. She said, opening her arms and lifting her shoulders.
-My goodness, you're so persistent Jaïa. Mary said, rolling her eyes.
-I wouldn't be surprised if you told us you already have a place in mind.
-Yes, I've already found a motel Greg. She confirmed.
Greg opened his hands; he had been right; she had already planned everything.
She smiled.
-Well then, I'm gonna say goodbye to everyone. See you tomorrow.

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