Part 4 - Reality Is Cruel.

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Three months have passed since Tsukasa had woken up, and everything was nearly back to normal. The wonderstage was still out of use, but everyone, including Tsukasa, the victim, had gone to the police for questioning, and so far there had been no information on the person who had attempted the murder. Despite all of this, WonderlandsXShowtime still met up and hung out as they used to do. Tsukasa's wound had fully healed, but he still didn't show up to many hang outs anymore and preferred to talk over text. For the times that he and Rui did hang out, Rui kept a small journal where he would document the fun little activities he did with his star. He was planning to give it to Tsukasa for their six month anniversary as a way to also celebrate the fact that he survived.

Rui sat down at his desk, tinkering with new robots that he had been making, occasionally zoning out to think about random things, almost forgetting what he was doing in the first place. His phone vibrated on the table beside him, instantly catching his attention. He clicked on the notification from his contact "Kasa <33"

Hey Rui!

How are your new robots coming along?

He was happy to respond to Tsukasa and tell him about the details of his new creations.

It's going great! I've just finished connecting the circuits from the switch on the back of the minibot to the actual bulb in its eyes! I'll have to start finishing up soon so that I can be ready to meet up in a while..

As Tsukasa was typing, Rui began to shove some loose nuts and bolts into random drawers in his desk.

That sounds great, I can't wait to see it when it's done! About that meet up.. I can't go today either, Saki has something planned last minute, and you know I can't deny when she pulls the puppy eyes with me.. I'm sorry, Rui..

Rui wasn't very surprised by this, Tsukasa loved going places with Saki even more recently, especially since the incident happened.

That's fine! I'll let Emu and Nene know, have fun with Saki, love you!! <33

This day in particular, WonderlandsXShowtime had planned to meet up in the park and go get lunch together, just for something to do since they couldn't perform shows. As per usual, Emu and Nene arrived first and were sitting on the same bench that they always did, followed a few minutes later by Rui. "Hi Rui, wonderhoy!!" Emu called over. For some reason, the two girls always had strangely happy voices, as if they were trying to convince someone. "Hello Emu, Nene!" He smiled. "Tsukasa can't come today, he and Saki had something planned, so I guess it's just us three!" Emu and Nene gave each other a strange look before turning back to Rui. Nene let out a sigh. "Rui.. we need to talk" She said. Rui looked at her confusedly. "About what?" He asked her.

"About Tsukasa.. you can't keep doing this to yourself Rui! It's not good for your mental health!" She said, louder than she meant to. Rui was still confused. "Stop what? I'm fine?"

"No you're not Rui.. you need to let go..". There were tears forming in her and Emu's eyes. Rui still didn't understand. "Can you be more clear? I'm confused.." He asked yet another question. "Tsukasa's been dead for over three months now, Rui!! These hallucinations.. you're driving yourself insane!" Nene was shouting now. Rui's eyes began to water. "W-what?" He stuttered. "Rui please! Tsukasa wouldn't want this!!" Emu chimed in."N-no!!! He's not dead! I was talking to him earlier! I saw him the other day, we went out together!! See? I wrote it down!" He denied, pulling out his notebook from the bag he was carrying. "That notebook.. Rui please stop! You're just hurting yourself!!" Emu cried. "Notice how me and Emu never talk to Tsukasa? We don't see him. He's not there, it kills me to say this, but I have to, Rui! You're not ok! This isn't normal! You were at his funeral and everything, why don't you understand? Just let go!" Nene stood up and told him right to his face. Tears rolled down his face and he smiled. "No, that's not true, this is a sick joke, you guys, it really is, right before me and Tsukasa's 6 month anniversary too? I'm sorry but i'm going home" He said and began to walk away. "Rui wait!!!" He could hear the girls calling him in the distance, but he chose to ignore it. Tsukasa wasn't dead, Rui has seen him alive many times, this was just a cruel joke, a cruel, cruel joke.

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