Kenzie's Pov
Long story short, my mom married my stepbrother, Cameron's dad, and Cameron and I are really close; he and his best friend, Nash, are very protective over me, but personally I think Nash does because he secretly likes me. One time Cameron caught him flirting with me, and he just shook his head, as if to say really Nash. "You coming, Z?" Cam said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Where are we going?" I said still in my pajamas, laying down on the phone with Kian.
"Nash's house." I hopped up.
"Yeah, just let me get dress." I said hopping out of the bed, then he came over to me and kissed me on the top of my head,"Ok now get out." I said shoving him out the door.
"Ok, ok, I'm leaving." He said laughing. Then I started laughing, then I went over to my phone and told Kian to come to Nash's house and that I was going to be there and he said ok, then I went go get dressed. I was wearing: black velvet tights, a huge gray hoodie, and some black vans, then I opened the bathroom door to put my makeup on, and I saw Cam, peeing, he quickly zipped up his pants and got out. I went over to the mirror and applied mascara, did my eyebrows, and put on some lip gloss. Cam was walking out of his room when I got done."You ready?" He said kinda awkwardly.
"Yeah." We climbed in the car. I turned up the radio, and 'All of the Stars' by Ed Sheeran, and I started singing it, then I turned to Cam, who was staring at the road, then I turned the music down,"Cam I'm hungry."
"Then go get you some." I just looked at him with an annoyed glare.
"You're annoying, Nash'll take me, or Kian could take me."
"Let Nash take you." He said getting tensed up. He doesn't really like Kian like that I don't know why, he's stupid and very protective like I said before. We were in their driveway, I got out, then Cam got out.
"Cam, you such a lame." I said and we went inside. When we got in there I saw Hayes and Kian, and jumped on the both of them and hugged them."I missed you guys so much!" I yelled.
"Hey, can we talk?" Hayes asked.
"Is everything alright?" I said worried. He just pulled me to their backyard.
"Look, I've liked you ever since you came here(2 years ago), but I thought that we should be friends to get to know each other, and the more we hung out I liked you more and more, so, the question is, will you go out with me, Kenzie?" I didn't know what to say, I don't know if I really liked him or not, but that doesn't mean I can't give him a try.
"Yeah, sure." I said with a smile, and he hugged me, with a huge smile on his face, we walked in smiling, then Kian got up and went out the front door, I called him (On the phone)
H: Hey Ki
K: It's Kian
H: What's wrong?
K: Nothing, just don't want to be there anymore
H: Oh ok, well when you want to talk to me about it lemme know.
K: Ok I'll text whenever.
H: Ok bye Ki
(He hung up)
Then, I turned to Hayes, and smiled, and Cameron looked at us with suspicious eyes."Why are you guys so smiley?" He asked, we just started laughing.
"We're just happy at the moment." Hayes said, looking at me quietly chuckling.
"Yo, I'm ready to go home, and I'm hungry." I said.
"I'll take you home, and we could stop and get you some food." Nash said.
"No, she doesn't need o go right now, we're staying until I'm ready to go, she'll be good until then." I looked at him like he was crazy.
"How you gon say what I am, boy, I'm ready to go home. Now somebody finna take before I catch an attitude, and that's on me." I said to all them. They all just stood there."Who takin' me home or I can call an uber it's on y'all." They continued to just stand there. I called an uber and left.
-Skipping the ride-
I got home and thanked the guy that drove me. I walked in to see my mom and my dad kissing(by dad she means stepdad),"Ew, y'all disgusting." They looked at me and laughed and went in their room, then I went to upstairs to my room, and got out a green camouflage bikini. Then went out to our pool, and jumped in. After about 2 hours later, I hear a car door slam, and went under the water, I went back up to gasp for air saw him, he came over to the pool and tried to help me get out,"Don't touch me." I said and walked past him, I heard him talking to himself. I walked upstairs and saw all of his ex-magcon friends, all 10 of them, if you add Hayes, they all looked at me and I smiled at them and waved, then I ran into my room. I put on some leggings, a huge T-shirt that came down to the middle of my thigh almost, and some fuzzy socks. Then, I went in there and hugged all of them.
I went out to my car my mom got me for my 17th birthday, and was about to go to the movies to see Incredibles 2, it starts at 6:30 tonight. I was trying to hurry and pass the yellow light, but I didn't see the semi-truck coming, and it smacked the side of my car and the last thing I saw was my car flipping over and the top hitting the light post, then everything went black...