Chapter 1: A Stranger in a Not-so-Strange Land

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Weeks have passed has past since Boba removed Bib Fortuna from the Throne of Tatooine, Boba Fett, and Fennec Shan, establishing their rule over the planet.

But like all new leaders, it will never be easy as neither the locals nor the nobles would ever accept a bounty hunter as ruler.

But Boba knows of hardships, losing his father, taking on the Bounty Hunter's ways, surviving the Scarlac pit, losing his armor, and being taken as prisoner by a tribe of Tusken Raiders.

He will never forget when he was taken but the raiders, and dragged across the hot sands of the desert.

How the children beat him just because it was fun, the attempted escape, and being caught.

It was an experience he could never forget.

His memories are interrupted as he snaps awake in his bath tank, seeing Fennec standing over him.

He exhales as the healing waters drain from the tank.
The healing session was suspended.

Fennec turns away as the tank opens, he removes the breathing tube from his mouth and sits up from the tank.

A droid held out a robe for him, "The dreams are back." he stated as he took the robe from the droid. Fennec flicks her eyes over at him momentarily. "Time to go. They're lined up to pay respects," he informs and walks off. "I'll let them know you're on your way," she spoke and was out of the palace room.

Boba just sighed as the servant droids got to work.

Once in his clothing, strapping on his boots, the droids placed on his armor. The armor that once belonged to his father, was redesigned in his signature green and orange.

The gauntlets were locked in with a twist and were in place. Strapped and tight on his body, the droid handed him his helm, Boba took it and placed his helm over his head, it clicked in with a hiss and he lowered his arms.

Becoming the lord Boda Fett.


Boba sits on his throne as the locals approach the new lord one by one, the local lord speaks in his native tongue with a bow and opens the case, revealing the context.

Boba nods as he looks at him with a nod and Fennec nods in agreement, the lord turns to the droid and hands the case to him. "Did you catch any of that?" he asks her, she leans in close to him. "Something about friendship?" she answers.

The lord bows and turns to the steps, leaving the palace, "We need a protocol droid." Boba points out, that Fennec showed no sense of argument.

"Presenting Dokk Starssi, leader of the Trandoshan family." 8D8 spoke as he held his arm out, the two looked over at the steps as Dokk Starssi stepped out, "Protectors of the city center and its business territories." the droid spoke as the lord walked in with his gift.

"That's weird. I used to work for him." Boba spoke up, Fennec just grinned, leaning towards him. "It's even weirder for him." she agrees, Starssi stood before him, "A thousand tidings to the new Daimyo," he spoke with a bow as he held his gift out.

"It's an honor to be welcomed to Mos Espa by you, Dokk Strassi," Boba informs him. Strassi turns and hands his gift of a wookie pelt to 8D8.

Then turns back to Boba and bows before him, "May you never leave Mos Espa." he speaks with a hiss and leaves. Boba just chuckles softly.

"When a Trandoshan pays you a compliment, it sounds like a threat," he spoke as Strassi hissed, Fennec nodded in agreement as she watched the Trandoshan leave.

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