watching the stars

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(this is written from nobodys perspective bc icba.)

Tweek laid beside Craig, their fingers interlocked. After all the stress of when their relationship first started, they finally got to relax, peacefully. No fights, no drama, no problems, and no threat of north korea bombing tweek, just them and the beautiful nights glowing constellations.  

Tweek: "ACK!! C-craig what if the north koreans t-track us down?!"

Craig: "Honey, relax. Deeep breaths now. The north koreans aren't going to attack us anymore, remember? It's all fine, everything is gonna be fine!" (lemon demon reference lmao)

Tweek: "BUT-"

Craig: "Tweek, look at those two stars up there. I'm gonna be up on the moon, or some planet looking up at them someday. I can imagine being 'spaceman craig' and stuff, going to mars, or discovering aliens"!

Tweek: "I'd m-miss you not being o-on earth, C-Craig! I mean-- w-what if y-your rocketship e-exploded, and you died!"

Craig: "That's a long time away, Tweek. Plus, when you think about it, there's a low chance of it even exploding, like a 0.00000000000001% chance of that happening. You gotta chill out, dude. You're like, 80% caffine today dude, what's up?"

Tweek: "N-nothing, honestly"-

Tweek was cut off by Craig, who looked excited suddenly.

Craig: "Tweek, dude, look! shooting star! make a wish"!!

Tweek: "I-I wish f-for us to b-be together for as l-long as possible"!

Craig: "You shouldn't say it aloud, it won't come true"!

Tweek: "Shit"!!

Craig: "It's fine dude, I.. I wish for us to be together for a long time too. That sounds kinda gay.." 

They both laugh, Tweek hugs Craig tightly, the two of them enjoying eachother and the beautiful ilumination of the microscopic lights above.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2024 ⏰

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