Chapter 1: Astral Awakening

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"Bold italic": Talk in mind

Bold: Coms

Italic: Thoughts


3rd Person Pov

It's a beautiful morning in Tengu City, everyone in the city is doing their usual morning routine. People can be seen walking down the side road heading to their workplace, some are also standing at the bus stop waiting for a bus. All in all, it seems normal like any other day in the city. Everyone for the most part has recovered from the huge spacequake that happened 30 years ago. It caused many deaths and billions of yen in destruction.

Meanwhile, in the middle of a forest near Tengu City, a crystal-clear water lake is located. This lake is famously called Stargazer's Lake, one of the most crowded tourist spots during the holidays. It's famous because of the crystal clear water that acts as a perfect mirror of the night sky. But this place also has a history that many tales have told. Many believe this lake is where the first spirit was born. The stories about it always mention how it healed people but at a cost. The cost varies from story to story as it is different for every person and situation. Although the stories vary, two things that stayed the same between all of them are the spirits' calming aura and name, Spirit of Origin.

Near the lake, two figures appear to be sisters. While one looks like a teenager, the other one appears to be younger. The scene is a wholesome one as both of them are sleeping with the younger one leaning on the older sister.

 The scene is a wholesome one as both of them are sleeping with the younger one leaning on the older sister

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(Imagine both of them are unconscious next to each other near the lake)

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(Imagine both of them are unconscious next to each other near the lake)

The wind blows softly around them, and the sun's rays pass through the canopy of the forest as nature celebrates the birth of the first neutral spirits. Neutral spirits are the only peaceful type of spirits when compared to the other types.

The city's people have loved neutral spirits since the first one was born shortly after the great spacequake 30 years ago. This is only possible due to the neutral spirit's peaceful nature, kindness, and the fact that they rarely cause intentional destruction to their surroundings. This has allowed neutral spirits to be accepted by the general population and allows them to have a relationship of mutual benefit with the city and the AST. This allows them to roam around with no worries of being captured. Unfortunately at the present people only know of neutral spirits from stories, rumors, and from the very few written accords of them.

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