Green and Brown

75 4 0

For the "Midnight Wishes Contest"

First prompt

Flicking the cigarette from between my fingers, and expelling one final cloud of smoke from my lips, the glowing embers of the butt dissipated in the frosted grass beneath me. Small beads of moisture from the snow underneath where I sat managed to seep into the fabric of my blue-washed jeans, providing me with a feeling that was more than uncomfortable. Though that was probably the least of my concerns right now.

My eyes glanced over to what was taking the number one spot on my list of concerns, falling just above its strongest competitor: wet pants. My car, caught in a thick layer of snow, filled my vision and another deep sigh escaped my mouth. How was I supposed to know I needed snow tires? Aren't all tires the same?

My immobile car laughs at me. 

With another exaggerated sigh, a response I feel like would be the most common in a situation like this, I pressed my palms into the ground and stood up. Instead of loudly groaning and muttering about my predicament, I decided to do what was probably the best course of action: calling road assistance. 

No service. 

My eyes narrowed down at my phone, followed by the loudest, drawn-out sigh by far. "Just great," I muttered to myself, shoving my phone back into my coat pocket. Pulling my lip between my teeth, I scoured my brain on what would be the best next course of action before a small building caught my eye. Scratch that, a nice trek through the narrow, snowy, probably dangerous road sounds better.

As I made my way toward the building, I realized this was probably the best thing to happen to me by far. Food, warmth, and iced-tea. The glowing letters attached to the forefront of the building spelled out, "Mom and Pops Diner." With a wide smile, I hurried my strides and quickly opened the door to the small building, relishing in its heat.

Just in time, too, as the snow storm outside began to pick up.

My lips curled into a frown as I thought about my poor car, cold and alone. Just like me... minus the cold part now I guess, but the alone part was definitely true. With probably the tenth sigh of the night, I sat at the bar with my head hung low. I should be on my way to my family right now, with 2024 glasses covering my eyes and a cheap party hat on top of my head. Maybe even some sparkling apple juice if I was feeling frisky enough.

A young woman with a warm, beaming smile approached me, cleaning a glass with a rag in her hand. "Tough night?" She asked, setting the glass to the side. Peeking up at her through my thick lashes, I nodded, "You could say that." She frowned for a moment before nodding herself, "Anything I could get you to feel better?" 

"One iced-tea and keep 'em comin'," I replied, letting my head hang low again.

The man next to me chuckled, gaining my immediate attention. My mouth opened to ask him what was so funny about me having a rough night, but those harsh words died on my tongue. My cheeks flushed, something I've decided to blame on the cold for now, as I caught his piercing green eyes. God, he was handsome. 

He gave me a knowing look as he brought what looked to be iced-tea up to his lips. I must've looked mesmerized or entranced or something because he quirked a brow at me as he set his glass back down on the table. "Do I have something on my face?" He asked, wiping the sides of his mouth before I even had a chance to answer.

Only handsomeness, kind sir.

"U-uh... no," I sheepishly replied as the woman from before slid a full glass of iced tea in my direction. My cheeks burned even more with my stutter. Great going, I thought to myself. He nodded his head and took another sip from his own drink. "Greyson by the way," he smiled, reaching his hand out. I went to fist-bump while he went to shake my hand. Needless to say, it was an awkward whirlwind of hand movements.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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