Chapter 2

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**So I hope you enjoyed the first part of the book!  This will be the second chapter of this book and I hope it's even better than the first.  I really enjoy writing with Watt Pad...  I could get used to this!  Read until your heart stops my loves <3**

Chapter ~ 2

    All seemed well when I arrived at school, but little did I know, much was to come.  I started off my day by walking to my first period, math.  Now, a morning never really is good starting off with math.  I am always so tired, an my teacher, Mrs. Powell expects us to be wide awake!  I am literally drifting off in her lectures everyday...  So today we were learning about polynomial distribution and divison, or something like that...  I am in Algebra.  Now, I am not some math wiz.  Algebra is the standard class for 8th grade here in New York.  In 6th grade, I made it into the 7th grade class, and I was in Algebra last year, 7th grade.  But, I failed the end exam so I get to learn Algebra all over again.  Yippee.

     So, I sit down in my assigned seat, right in the front, which seriously sucks.  Anyways, then this little jerk named Raymond (stupid name for a stupid kid) trips me, and I spill my Starbucks!  Mrs. Powell got so mad at ME for NO reason.  She let me go to the bathroom to clean up, but Raymond didn't get in any trouble at all!  Apparently, "since no one saw it, we can't assume he did it!"  O.O  Well that was just the best start to a perfect day...  After that period, it was off to science.  Now science, it isn't my best subject but I still get off with an A.  I actually get all A's.  I mean, really I just do my work and life is good.  It's just that work is B-O-R-I-N-G.   Science is ok anyways.  That also happened to be the only period that went smoothly for me.  After science, it's off to language arts.  Language arts is my best subject for a few reasons.  I have an A+ and that is mainly because I have the bet teacher ever!  Her name is Miss Tenbrooke.  She is very friendly and just loves me.  Well with every good thing, there is a bad thing too; Elizabeth is in that class.  Now, even though Miss Tenbrooke is very intelligent, teachers these days have forgotten their childhood when they were average, and populars were little stuck up brats.  So, Elizabeth is the teacher's pet.  I am not saying that I particularly like being the teacher's pet.  It is just usually my thing.  I mean I get my work done and know the answer to everything.  But I guess Elizabeth jut curls her hair a little more than me and gets the teacher's attention faster.  Anywho, during language arts, I found the best answer to this writing prompt and began to write in the "Pre-Writing Space" because Miss Tenbrooke just loves that.  Oh, did I mention I sit next to Elizabeth?!  It is terrible.  So anyways, I am writing the best story ever and Elizabeth suddenly gets an idea.  Curiosity wins me over and I glance at her paper.  I realize it's MINE!  So, I asked her if she was copying me, and her response was,"I just needed help getting started.  Consider it a... borrow!" Then she smirked!  Ugh she knows how to be a real... nevermind.  Then get in trouble for talking and in the end of class, Miss Tenbrooke asked the class for their ideas on writing.  Well, Elizabeth goes ahead and raises her hand before I can look up.  Of course she is awarded, and I have a feeling I will be writing an entire new essay tonight.  Yippee, again.

     At this point, I am thinking the day really can't get much worse.  Well, I was wrong.  I moved along to social studies.  This happens to be my least favorite period of the day.  Now, I am really considering ditching at the moment, but I figured my mom be a little... angry.  I head in and really nothing too bad actually happened.  Except, we did have a pop quiz, and I honestly wasn't ready for it.  After that mess of a morning, came lunch, thank any good in the world!

     Lunch was fantabulous, because I really needed some friend time.  It was the start of the second semester, well the second week to be exact.  New kids were rotating through.  Alex and I consider this our time to save those newbies as friends before they hook up with the wrong kind of people.  Sometimes, we make a friend.  Others, a close friend.  Other times... we make an enemy.  Well, we let the POPS deal with them.  (again, populars)  So we just hung out for a while and watched the newbies stroll around looking like lost sheep.  We awaited our first victim, where we usually approach them.  Well, this one came to us!  She asked for our help, even though we usually just give that out to the worthy newbs.  Although, this one was different.  She looked average, not like a "future pop" but a... an... an average!  I saw it in Alex's brown eyes too.  We were happy to help this sheep.  The sheep said,"Hi, I'm Kat, short for Katy!  Um, could you help me find... um... F104?"

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